Original Post
What is this?
What is a programm which can help you find your friend and clan members.
How it works?
I dont know
How it use?
Very easy.
First of all, download
Extract it.
Open "list" and you see anithing like that:
LIST += [hack]
LIST += [ussr]
LIST += [btc]
LIST += [aliens]
LIST += [ghost]
LIST += [gngst]
LIST += [mlnm]
LIST += [sharks]
LIST += [utm]

LIST += hampa
LIST += gman80
You can replace [hack],[sharks] etc in [Fish] for example
LIST += [Fish]

It mean what programm will find all players who has clan tag only.
Also in [Fish] place you can wrote player nick.
Start BigBro.exe

Sorry my English.

Last edited by Fish; Apr 19, 2010 at 12:53 PM.
put this at every line:
LIST += [tag]or username and open bigbro
bigbro will alert you when your freind is in toribash on multiplayer
This is an old thread and I'd appreciate it if you didn't bump it, thanks.