Original Post
The Titan Server
Hmmm i had this idea about a server fully for Titan members.
As my first step to a titan server like this i need your support.
Steps to get it funcional:
#1: TitanBOT(A bot powered by the juntbot program:need a owner who could always have it runing)
#2: Decide on the mod circulation.
#3: Decide on ppl geting auto oped.
#4: Decide on the server name(Titan clan server i guess)
Neptune for half price! I take head requests (pm me) (^'.'^)
this is good idea although were gonna have some problems on the titan bot as i dont know how to get one but the mod circulation well my favorite mods has gotta be judo ,twinsword and katana
ppl auto oped shud be evryone in leaders section in clan members forum