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No "relax all" when dismembering not connected part
I'll give you an example .

Tori and Uke are in a twinsword fight. Tori cuts off Uke's arm. As usually, Uke's body get relaxed... At next turn, Tori cuts off the elbow of that arm. Uke's body get relaxed. How that can be possible if that arm is not connected with the body ?

I think this should be fixed .
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What difference does it make? And I don't think anyone really cares, It's one of the things that makes Toribash what it is. If you're suggesting to make it more realistic, screw that, you'll only have to re-code a giant part of the game, and then break every replay made.
~Not Supported
Could just make it one frame, dismember it, and then keep moving, 1 frame of relax can't hurt you.

Or just find your bro, play a twinsword, switch to one frame with your bro, then let him DM, after the DM, as 1 frame, just keep going. Relax all makes it as when your tori gets DM'ed, they made it real, like you kick his arm off, he relaxes all, then he tilts to the side and starts dying (By realism).

Overall, Not Supported, it might do exactly what Cigs said.
It's about Multiplayer Games. And I think other guys didn't understand my point.
I'm talking about relaxing all when you cuts off a dismembered arm's elbow, or hand, or another part of the body ..


And you're right Dscigs, "then break every replay made." I didn't think on it
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Originally Posted by omegadark1
Get your bro
Put the frames to 1
Let him DM it
After the dm, space one frame
Move on

Just explaining it. I think that was good 'nuff.
The only time this has bothered me was while making a skeet-shot replay.
It is rather annoying in that case, but not enough to support this idea.
If your arguing that the relax all is bothersome in multiplayer, and you want it gone for more realism, Then I beleive it should stay as is. When you get dismembered your body will go into shock in which relaxing your whole body for a minute is possible.

Also it brings a benefit to the person who dismembered. If you do something good (Dismember) you get a reward (other player gets relaxed all).

Now. What bothers you the most is in mods like Judo when the turn frames are high like 50+ you get DMed at the first few frames then the rest you drop to the ground.
Well that can be fixed easily by simply changing the turn frames to 1-49 if you want.
Bad idea ~Not Supported
If we turn off relax all after dismembering games will be looking like a robot's battle, cuz they don't feel any pain.
If you want that you not so often get relaxed after dismembering you have to try play more careful
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You still didn't understand it, I'm talking about NOT connected members, but it's ok .

-Not Supported
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