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[TAF] Gaming Thread

I hear you like playing games, do ya?! Well then come on in here!

Here is the gaming thread for the Toribash Armed Forces, post your games and things you have acheived in your games and ect, here.

So, I shall kick this off with a list of Xbox LIVE and PSN names.

Toribash Names | Xbox LIVE Gamertags
Glitch | Phenomen0n89
Hkp326 | IndianPwnr

Toribash Names | Playstation Network Names
Hkp326 | Ligithk
I currently enjoy playing CoD: Black Ops' Zombies in an attempt to get to high rounds. Add me as a friend if you know that you can make it far. (Xbox 360)
Last edited by Glitch_old; Apr 4, 2011 at 09:49 AM.
Yea, I play zombies too, offline with my friend's Ps3.
So, how long can you survive in kino? I always got cornered by the dogs in the third or fourth room, only 18 rounds so far if I play alone, 23 with friends.
Alone, only 13 but with friends 40 something.
We all had upgraded ray guns and thunder guns :P.
Oh and I added my gamertag and PSN.
Ok, hkp, I will make it blue like it is sopose to be :P

And, in solo, I can easily make it to like round 30, that is, if I can make it to the power and jug without losing.
Originally Posted by hkp326 View Post
Go ahead.

Meh, I will make a video soon.

I just hate how I get so bored after like round 30 and just wanna kill myself.

EDIT: I recently made it to round 81 in Shi No Numa.
Last edited by Glitch_old; Apr 6, 2011 at 03:33 AM.