Original Post
Member List
Anyone from [death] is welcome, if not I am looking to form a clan of relatively serious players of relatively high standards of skill in at least one discipline.


1st Gen:


2nd Gen:


fake members: (already lol)


"Undermine their pompous authority, reject their moral standards, make Anarchy and disorder your trademarks, cause as much chaos and disruption as possible but don’t let them take you alive."

Do Not Click
Re: Member List
I mentioned to goose that maybe we should close applications for new members temporarly while we set ourselves up and get up the rankings with the other clans before adding new members (dosnt look good if we start recuriting to many at the start or we will be called 'rushers' : ) also now that were official i think we need to make up an actual application procsess and have tryouts for people wanting to join. These are just ideas so feel free to flame
Re: Member List
Well, here's how [CBK] does it...

Step 1. Say you want to be in the clan.

Step 2. ManBreakfast/Imsku analyze the way you speak, how you act, etc.

Step 3. You then fight either ManBreakfast or Imsku. There is one specific thing we look for in the fight that automatically gets you in... but we're not telling you what that is.

Step 4. If you win the fight (properly, not by simple luck) then you're in. If you lose but you fulfill the secret requirement, you're in. If you lose and do not meet the secret requirement, you might still be in, based on your personality. And if we just don't like you and you lose, you're not in.

Step 5. Swear your allegiance to ManBreakfast, and obey. OBEY

Step 6. Maybe.. dance party?

Step 7. Go fight for [CBK], etc.

7 easy steps. And the fight is really just a formality nowadays, used for tradition's sake.
Re: Member List
Lol i wish all clans tested people before they let them join. Cause you get so many noobs nowadays in clans. It makes me sad THEY DONT DESERVE THE RIGHT!!
Re: Member List
Originally Posted by [IR0N
Not_Newbie ]
add me to the member list pwease

Can i just ask who tested you and who the referee was? just there hasnt seem to be any mention of you joining so was just wonderin. welcome aboard to.