Originally Posted by
I grew up in the hood. I've been referring to friends as niggas my whole life. The only places I don't speak like that are A. in a professional environment and B. on the internet, for the same reason that I also don't use local slang on the internet. It just doesn't come off right if no one except a select few people out of a larger than any audience you could expect in real life understand you. As Gorman said, it depends on how the words used. It can be used as a term of endearment, e.x. "My nigga how you been", "What's crackin my nigga", or otherwise.
Should the word be outright banned? That depends on what kinda of forums you want to have. If you really want people to stop saying certain words, just filter them. It isn't the best approach, but it moves people away from saying things that you don't want kids to see as was mentioned above or various other stuff. I would however suggest making the filter optional, so the amphibians with thin and moist skin among us can avoid reading words they consider offensive.
I do not endorse hugboxes or "safe zones", but if people are really that incapable of not being offended on the internet, make it an option for them.
Also, regarding the origins of the word, the origins of the word Slav come from
Slavs do not take offense to being called Slavs. This shows a similar adaption to "Nigga" from "Nigger". Adapted for self-reference in a way that becomes identifying. The only deep and painful thing about the word is what has been taught to you. There is no link between anyone alive right now and slavery, outside of a few places in southeast asia/africa/the middle east that still enslave people.
we're talking about saying the word nigger here, not the slang.
Originally Posted by
Just because Americans/Western colonial powers used black people as slave labour and called them niggers everyone who isn't black should feel bad and avoid the word. /s
Yeah, no. Censorship is bullshit. I got banned for a week for offending PC Principal Kitfox and his terrorist buddies in the wake of the terror attacks in France. All opinions are valid, just because your PC butthole hurts you shouldn't go around banning people, clinging to the reason of "using a racial slur". If you want Discussion to be taken seriously and retain its userbase, you shouldn't let the tone/style of posts warrant punishment when the opinion behind them is valid (and in this case, mainstream even) and the post quality is acceptable.
no one is saying you have to feel bad, but using a racial slur to describe anyone isn't an okay thing to do. no one is censoring you, you're free to say it. again, we're talking about the word nigger here, don't bring up the slang because that's not the root cause of this discussion. but we also have the right and freedom as moderators to ban you for saying it, which encourages people to not say it. I'm confused as to why you would think you would seem credible by insulting a group of people in a discussion. but that's on you.
also we're not talking about the discussion board, I don't care about the discussion boards userbase and not the post quality either really unless it's something against the rules.
in this moderated forum we simply do not promote the use of racial slurs. some forums do, and maybe if you'd like to post your one liners involving them you should. but if you want to post here, you have to follow the rules. but that's what this is about. I think from what I can see, ele wants context to appear more prevalent when dealing with these words or at least some sort of easily accessible ground rules. though if you're advocating for the word to be able to be used freely, why? for the sake of not being censored? I'll go back to what Fee said but more bluntly: why the fuck do you need access to this word without repercussion.