Original Post
role call! role call!! [the usage is up for debate my friend, for "role" is what u have in a play and "roll" is what u do in the mud]

greetings clan members. answer this thread within 5 days or prepare to be kicked! those who havent answered will be pmed b4 kickage however. let the cleansing begin.
Last edited by Vlatko9; Jun 20, 2008 at 08:25 AM.

go thar! its my band
shit i hope im in time to sign in.....
if im late im sory cuz i havent been on tb for a while
been sick and sleeping and at friends houses etc very busy life
so yeah its s0th signing in!
Vlatko: Hey s0th, i own you way more
s0th: No i'm way better then you!
Vlatko: fine were both equal at owning eachover.
s0th: Fine...But it IS true that i own you way more XD
No one's posted because I dont think they are aware of this. Ill pm them tonight or tomorrow about it.
\.\.\.\3rd DanBlackBelt/./././
Vvvvlatkos back ;D!!
well i will just sighn in all the time cuz i dont know when to lol
Vlatko: Hey s0th, i own you way more
s0th: No i'm way better then you!
Vlatko: fine were both equal at owning eachover.
s0th: Fine...But it IS true that i own you way more XD