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objective clan ranking system
Farming-proof objective-as-possibru clan ranking system:

it works well in simple gdoc file, so i bet it will work just fine on forum

So yeah check it out.

concept here
you change only top clan value and get each group limits


d'oh, fine let's say clans should be diveded by groups regarding of their points automaticly. let's say we have a list of clans

these clans have some points

so we will have a list like this

1 [killers] 121
2 [rapists] 92
3 [molesters] 81
4 [masochists] 72
5 [cockblockers] 62
6 [bd&sm] 55
7 [noobs] 52
8 [pros] 32
9 [pickels] 8
10 [apples] 1

now, to prevent points farming we will divide this list by groups.

it will be done automaticly:

A_0 = top_clan_cp

where A is group, 0 is top cap and 1 is bottom cap, so we will have and top clan cp is ammount of cp of top clan

A[A_0; A_1]
A_0 = top_clan_cp
A_1 = top_clan_cp * 75%

B[B_0; B_1]
B_0 = top_clan_cp * 75% - 1
B_1 = top_clan_cp * 50%

C[C_0; C_1]
C_0 = top_clan_cp * 50% - 1
C_1 = top_clan_cp * 25%

D[D_0; D_1]
D_0 = top_clan_cp * 25% - 1
D_1 = top_clan_cp * 0%

so yeah, in excel i got this
A_0 = 121
A_1 = 91

B_0 = 90
B_1 = 61

C_0 = 60
C_1 = 30

D_0 = 29
D_1 = 0

and now to sort shit out


you can make clan war only with a clan from same group

top clan from each group can fight clans from next group

i think you should recive cp for events too.


1 [killers] 121
2 [rapists] 92


3 [molesters] 81
4 [masochists] 72
5 [cockblockers] 62


8 [pros] 32


9 [pickels] 8
10 [apples] 1


so pickles as top clan at group D may fight clans from group C
pros as top clan at group C may fight clans from group B
molesters as top clan at group B may fight clans from group A

this will solve a situation where there may be only one clan in a group too.

simple as that.

good thing about this sytem is that it's dynamic and after you done it it would not need any changes in structure or any interference other then adding cp for events ;)

in the end we have a system where top clans can't farm cp on shit clans and shit clans can't farm cp on shit clans.

fuck yeah

Last edited by snake; Jul 23, 2013 at 04:37 PM.
you can make clan war only with a clan from same group

I don't like this idea. I don't like sorting on groups fully

All other is good.
Originally Posted by Snow View Post
I don't like this idea. I don't like sorting on groups fully

All other is good.

if somebody remember how top clans got their rank i will explain:

90% times top clans were having clan wars with fresh just formed clans to earn points to rank up.

with this system you would not be able to farm clan war points by waging wars with naab clans, but will had to fight with clans more or less equal to you.

also don't worry about "what if all clans from my group will become inactive"
all points from clan are scaling according to % of activity, so basicly if clan have only 1 person active from 10 they will have 10% of ther actual points.

by this only active clans that wage wars and/or participate in events will stay on top. (as it should be)
So hard....

Anyway you made great work and i appricate it. I'm supporting this idea
Activity... hm... so... Nearly all of russian official clans now inactive. But this clans are very cool and they have good reputation. So... this clans, that was created so long time ago and was so amazing till the 2011-12 years will be in the last group? And with bad reputation?
It's ufair...
Last edited by Snow; Jul 23, 2013 at 11:10 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
no matter how awesome you was ages ago and no matter how much you contributed, things should be objective and measure by time now.
i do hate double standarts when somebody says : "well we are more awesome clan than you because we were awesome ages ago and we still expect to be treated this way even tho we don't do shit now and never go ingame. but we are still cool and better then you and we are special" it's quite ignorant and full of self, don't you think?

it's also unfair to new clans that actually put effort and participate in events and clan wars. all clans should be treated equal according to what they do. clans rise, clans fade, and thats how it works. if you demand to be treated special well then fuck you.

this system is as most objective as it can be. it force you to play with strong clans to rank up instead of farming on noob ones, it encourage activity so if you want to be/stay on top you should be active.

i will also add couple of cofficients regarding amount of members in clan to prevent possibility of 4 men clans that easy to maintain active to 8.