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QI buying question
This is my first post, and I'm not sure if there's a format or anything (I'm fairly sure it can be as unprofessional as I'd like) but I do have a question about buying QI. When a Tori buys QI, does their "Games played" counter raise accordingly? Like if a white belt buys enough QI to become a 10th dan black belt, will it still say they have 0 games played? Thanks if you have an answer.
Hello, Off-Topic serves as a board for casual discussion. For questions, use the board right below us: Rapid Threads. I have moved your thread to the Rapid Threads board.

I'll also answer this question: QI is the term for your games played, so if you buy 10000 QI, it will show you have 10000 more games played, even though you didn't actually play them.
It really isn't worth the money. The people you'd impress with your fancy belt alone aren't really the people you want close to you, grind your way up the old fashioned way so people go "Shit that guy's really good at videogames" instead of "That guy has a pretty cool belt I guess".

Also it's pretty fuckin obvious when you join and then proceed to get custom belt in the span of a month.
Preposterously dank.
Originally Posted by PurpleChaos View Post
This is my first post, and I'm not sure if there's a format or anything (I'm fairly sure it can be as unprofessional as I'd like) but I do have a question about buying QI. When a Tori buys QI, does their "Games played" counter raise accordingly? Like if a white belt buys enough QI to become a 10th dan black belt, will it still say they have 0 games played? Thanks if you have an answer.

Your games played will not rise accordingly.

You can see here the user crow has 16k qi
but only 8k total games played

Edit: whoops, probably wins on the latest link, check post below.
Last edited by imaSlayaa; Jan 15, 2016 at 11:46 AM.
Originally Posted by imaSlayaa View Post
Your games played will not rise accordingly.

You can see here the user crow has 16k qi
but only 8k total games played

This isn't actually correct, I myself have never bought QI and I'm a 6th dan. Yet it says I only have a little over 3k played.

There wouldn't be any records of your games being played, it would not change your global rank, etc. Only thing buying QI would do is give you the access to have higher QI items and give you a different belt title.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
there was a way,it was the json format of tori stats which looked like this:

{ "username": a username, "userid": something, "games_played": 15523, "rank": 133, "qi": 26495, "wins": 8088, "loss": 7435, "win_percentage": 52.103, "toricredits": 4058 }

now it looks like this

{"username":"a username","userid":"something","joindate":"a join date","lastactivity":"last activity","lastingame":"1390257986","posts":"2335" ,"achiev_progress":"18","belt":"Custom Belt","beltrank":"0","belttitle":"belt name","clanname":"","clantag":"","elo":"1697.596", "winratio":"52.207","tc":"60","room":null}

now why the changed it,i don't know,even made a rapid thread some time ago but no one that actually know answered.
buying QI isn't really a good idea.

if you buy,it will say you just played 10k matches,even not played them.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Its not good at all, because you will become a 5th dan black belt for example and you don't know most of the things
I don't suggest anyone to buy QI boosters or anything like that
Guys it is not what was asked in the first post. The person was asking a specifc question regarding buying QI, but most of you are just telling him that buying QI is lame (these posts were deleted). I thought you guys could manage to make good posts and contributte to the discussion, but I realize I was wrong.

Thread closed.
Last edited by Daedalus; Jan 22, 2016 at 07:10 AM.