Original Post


On a quiet night at. there was 1 person who was practicing,when he was practicing .. .. god of ice that saw him practicing with a serious, gave her strength .. the boy has the power to create frost ... after the boy was aware of its strength .. the boy said "I will make a clan that has an incredible ability ... and I will give the name .." the Frost Clan "

-Be a nice man
-Don’t use bad words
-Don’t get mad
-Active in Clan
-Don’t multi clanning
-Be Polite
-No Spamming
-Be Respectful

- Get 5 member
-Get 10 member

-Get 5k in Clan bank
-Get 10k in Clan bank
-Get 20k in Clan bank
-Get 50k in Clan bank
-Be official

Leader: Kosuke758

Co-Ldr :Geskely


Normal Member



Single Allies



Want Join?
Fill This
Previous Clan:
Skill: (drawing,making vid ,etc)
About yourself:

Clan Bank 9.000 Tc
Donate to
Last edited by Enma; Jan 23, 2011 at 07:43 AM.
great but u forgot 1 thiung -banner- and single allies
edit: sigh sorry i dont see the banner my comp is slow
Last edited by masterx3; Dec 30, 2010 at 06:21 AM.
Requesting allies with TITANS [TTN]
That feels good. I like it when you touch me there... mmmmh. That hurts...ow ow! Click Here Much better.
Real name: Cody
Character name: ydnarano67
Belt: 4th dan almost 5th
Previous clans: Sigma, Piratez,
Skill: Marketing
About yourself: I have been a member since over 2 years ago, I like skateboarding, basketball and of course toribash. Fun loving but can be very strict about rules. I don't join a lot of DSC's but I really think this one could make it. Also i can donate money which i have mostly on another account and do marketing stuff for the clan. Also i have been high ranking on several of my clans like Piratez so i know how to keep the people in line. Also nice work with banner.

Country: United States but i also speak pretty good Spanish because of my parents.

Edit: You should add some rules like: No multiple clanning
Must be forum AND in game active

And change the first three to : Be respectful and well rounded or something like that because they all are basically the same thing just different sub topics.

And I may sound like a nagger but more ranks because people enjoy being promoted and you can only have so much people on the top ranks. Keeping your clan members happy is one of the most important things because if they aren't happy they will leave to place where they will be and with no members a clan is nothing.
Last edited by ydnarano67; Dec 30, 2010 at 07:30 AM.
Don't you think that this clan is simular to fr3styL. It's just a thought. Hopefully they do not take offence to a simular clan name.