Original Post
[Dota] Dota 2 org

Who are we ?

This is the place for all Dota 2 players in the toribash community to meet up and talk about anything related to Dota.





Doesn't even play, what a nerd


  • 5 members [x]
  • 10 members [ ]
  • 20 members [ ]
  • Official [ ]




  • This is an org for Dota 2 players to talk, I won't allow any kind of discussion regarding other MOBA games or any criticism to Dota without a reason. Those posts will be reported.
  • Be nice! If you join this org, you should be correct to the other people in the toribash forums/Dota 2.
  • All Dota players are welcome, you don't need to have a high level of experience.

How to get in ?

To get in just copy and paste the following application template and complete it.

Steam URL:
Preferred Dota 2 server/s:
Favourite role:
Dotabuff profile:

Last edited by SrCheetah; Apr 15, 2017 at 04:25 PM.
I did a Tp search before making the org and only market threads showed up, saw that thread after, probably going to keep this open for a few days, and if nobody joins I'll just close it.
Name: Chance
Steam name: TwoDutchOvens
Forum activity: 10/10
GMT: -6
When did you start playing Dota ?: 5 minutes ago
Skype(If you use it): Thythigh
Would be very much appreciated

Still trying to find out how to get to the instructions menu :v
Name: xzasdeded
Steam name: maizena15(currently a limited account since it's new)
Forum activity: super duper active
GMT: +07:00
Preferred Dota 2 server/s: SE Asia(best ping ;-;)
When did you start playing Dota ?: couple weeks ago when my friends started playing it
MMR (If you play competitive): wtf is this
Favourite role: enemy feeder
Favourite character/s: terrorblade, venomancer, dragon knight
Least favourite character/s: pudge, gyrocopter, riki(these are those motherfuckers that killstreaks and dies alot when i use them)
Skype(If you use it): maizena151