Original Post
Wizard101 is an epic online multilayer game.you can interact with other people fight monsters and destroy the forces of evil. My persons name is Ethan Hexbane, Duncan Shadow, Elijah Ironshield, and Bradley life petal. Post all your beast accounts.
[Team aikido] [Olda] |DaF|
>Bro Flame forger, Marketer(>'-')> GIVE
its rubbish...you dont do any action just walk around and click cards...stupid
put your text here! only 50 a week
25k head request- Wiirus
Well you got to keep playing it to get into it. At first when i started playing toribash i didn't like it all now i am beast and i love it!!!! =D dont take that the wrong way i got a life.
[Team aikido] [Olda] |DaF|
>Bro Flame forger, Marketer(>'-')> GIVE
I've played it. It's actually quite fun. BUT because it's by disney it has very gay chat. You can only quick chat it. Or if I don't remember exactly, but I think if you were above a certain age you could normal chat, but it censored like everything ffs.
Originally Posted by JesseD View Post
but it censored like everything ffs.

Any game like that pretty much fails. Wizard 101 IMO, is like World of Warcraft for younger ages... Except the fact that you don't even use weapons.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else

Well not really. That's like saying a GTA and Nascar games are basically the same thing because they both have cars in them.

IMO if you were gonna compare Wizard101 to anything, it would be a card game like Yu-Gi-Oh or even Atlantica because it still follows the basic point of being a stradegy game.

And no, not all games with censors or 'quick chat only' fails. That's an opinion.
I used to play it when i was younger. Got a huge house. Lvl 50 Death person Valdus hexpsear
now its just plain 2gb shit for no reason.

2nd black belt
I've played, because I play everything. I didn't liked much. Is more for young kids. Also, is fucking hard to level up. And I hate that >:|
