Original Post
I believe it disrupts the ingame section of toribash, deterring people from buying globals from the fear of a GM tourney starting during the middle of a betting server, usually causing people to leave instantly. Or there could be a notification on the forums to advise when they're starting so they don't waste their money, or a option on the server to disable globals to keep people in the servers.

I just had a server with 15+ people and going strong, next thing a global comes through and now there's only three people left.
Last edited by Swaves; Dec 29, 2014 at 02:18 AM.
Tournaments are hosted whenever a gm feels the need to host, they don't have set times they host, and they won't
Because they're ruining the chance for me to make profit on my betservers?

Putting it bluntly.
So just because you're not making profit you want to ruin 20+ people's fun in a whole mode for Toribash. One of the best things is having daily/ weekly tourneys with strange mods.

I don't understand why you thought that this was a good suggestion?
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
I'll put it bluntly, anyone in their right mind would choose a gmtourney over a betting server. Tournaments allow you to play/enjoy competitive gaming/win prizes, whereas betting servers normally have you sit there and not play/potentially waste your tc/pay to play/watch the same 2-4 people constantly nudge themselves
Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
I'll put it bluntly, anyone in their right mind would choose a gmtourney over a betting server. Tournaments allow you to play/enjoy competitive gaming/win prizes, whereas betting servers normally have you sit there and not play/potentially waste your tc/pay to play/watch the same 2-4 people constantly nudge themselves

That's the whole point, of course GM tournaments are more appealing. Mostly because general members like us can't provide free prizes and globals like the GM team can, even the GM's host bet servers which have the same effect of draining people from other rooms as the tourney's. I know this will never be implemented after the points you bought up, i'm just generally upset with the tourney's because average members like myself can't make servers that compete with GM servers, predominately because of the free global and prize capabilities the GM's have.