Endurance Onslaught 6.0
k means kilo. kilo means 1000.

Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean

You are wrong. It goes kilo, mega, giga, tera, and so on
But mega means indeed a million or 10^6

Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean

M does not mean million, M means mega which is ^6
so 6M would be 6,000,000
you're right in the sense that saying 6M would be 6 million, but M does not abbreviate for million.

also, saying "kk" is the same as saying "M" because they are both SI abbreviations. it's literally the same as if you said 1000k instead of 1M. k is kilo, as someone said before, so it's just ^3, or add three zeros.

Yes i get what you mean. Maybe our education is crap and we use what we are used to and what we know(so kk). Do you know if everybody that uses the term kk is aware that it means kilokilo?
Megatc would sound awesomw :>

Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean

Duelers are commonly known to say 1kk etc, if we were to say 1m infront of others it would look stupid probably we will say 1mil or 1milli but that's why we like the abbreviation of 1kk and we also say it cause it's short and simple