Original Post
Clan Bank
hi everyone,

if anyone wants to donate plz post how much.

Send donations to hrcnebank but post anyway just to kno how much funds we have like for future activities like for clan wars or tourneys... or just gettin stuff for our members

kthnx and i hope i can organize some cool stuff for u guys

ok i've added some general rules that if u want to take or borrow money frm the clan:

To borrow:

-must have donated at least one 1k to bank previously
-can borrow 10k max for now
-must include in post how many weeks tc will b payed bak (max 3 weeks)
-for every week u borrow u must pay an extra 1k wen tc r returned (if less than 1 week, no charge)
--ex. borrow 8k for 2 weeks = 8 + 2 = 10k is due in 2 weeks
-not paying on time will cause u to lose access to bank temporarily or permanently (depending on situation)
-not paying after being more than 3 weeks will result in kick frm clan

To trade:

-can take max value of 15k out of clan bank (tc or value of items)
-post item and shop value of each item u plan to trade
-value of items u r giving must b over price u want frm bank by at least over .5k (also plz do not trade any nooby items worth under .5k to get it over bar)
-i encourage u to try and sell the clan items wen u c someone is looking for a particular piece we have in stock, we cant keep these services going if no one gives bak and donates wat they can

*it is up to me or a co-ldr to approve and finish a trade or loan


RiseAgainst: 65k
Shockwave: 10k

+ random donations by clicking referal link

Current Balance: 76050tc
Last edited by NigBelch32; Oct 27, 2008 at 02:05 PM.