Original Post
Cannibal:The Last ToriSupper

^the classic painting

^the cannibal clan
The Last ToriSupper

Still a work in progress, just wanted to see what everyone thinks of it. The table was just thrown together quickly for a preview



"...and on the 3rd day, Hampa created the cannibals, and everything was good..." [Toribible 1:120]
Last edited by WeRd; Apr 8, 2008 at 01:01 PM.
TeamSambo - [ R A W R ] - BnW

Very origional, I like the concept, Also this could cause contriversie becasue what if some of your members are offended by this? or any one else?

that pretty much made me shit my pants the minute i saw it (thats a good thing)
Black Belt
Member of [RWL]
Dont mess with the Crazedman cause... uhh.. hes Crazed
Thats pretty cool, it matches you clan theme. Just it is a bit unchristian ( I am christian ), but I gotta admit thats pretty win.
Back in my day...