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my first transparant texture (56k warning)
well I made one and it works (i can't see it though cuz i don't have shaders )

but brain112 was nice enough to make some screens for me

so if you wanna buy it make me an offer i can't refuse
same if you have a transparant or other head reqeust

here are some of my other heads i made (they go back a few pages)
Originally Posted by itachi1002 View Post
How did you get your font that way Could you post the font? xD
Nice head btw.
I never knew you cant have transparency without shaders...

read much??:P
you can't
i made the texture but it doesn't show up as transparant on my comp so i had brian112 make the screens for me.

ow and the font was changed by him too but i geuss it's just a matter of replacing the font file (like with any other customization)