Original Post
[Gallery] Jusmi's Art.
Here i will put all my concept, vector, and line art in different categories.

Studies: Studies i've done of autonomy, lighting, etc.

Line Art: Line art drawings i've done. Can refer to as a study as well.

Finished Concepts: Full blown finished concepts or commissions i've done.

Vectors: Same as Finished Concepts, except usually vectors of original anime characters.

Wips: Some work in progresses i would like Cnc on. If it's in the wip section, i will take cnc on it.


Line Art



Last edited by jusmi; Aug 23, 2012 at 10:38 AM.
Done with this community, you guys suck.
on the viking, idk why but shield looks weird.. :S also you could give him an effing huge battle axe. I like his legs don't like his arms love the head :P
I'm Tasty and I know it.
I like Rocks.
You see afraid to have negative space and to use high contrast.

I suggest doing some extreme value studies.

Perhaps work on your blending too.