You know what would be awesome. making the mouth move as if it was saying all those things I just heard. That would make it awesome! it would be something different!

at the moment that particle thing wandering around is pretty random and doesn't imo fit in there at all. I would have added few smaller blob sources flying at the "speed of light" (just a bit faster) from one edge to another while possibly doing a circular motion.
I'm liking this scary movie idea of it. Never seen one of these vids before. Keep up the good work.
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i agree

the mouth moving would be great, like moop did, but he just layered a human mouth over the tori, im not sure how difficult animating the mouth would be though.

and yea, the particles could be a bit more random some faster some slower, more spread around. they feel a bit like photoshops blending options

overall look is ok though, nice theme
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Mouth animation would only require few different textures for the mouth movement. or maybe some AE effects/filters/tools could do it too. I don't know.
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Originally Posted by aerox21 View Post
Mouth animation would only require few different textures for the mouth movement. or maybe some AE effects/filters/tools could do it too. I don't know.

I'd need Jaker's texture maker's help, for a closed texture, since I suck at it. I have an idea on how that would work:

Record a clip with Jaker's current head texture
Record the same clip but with the closed-mouth version, then use After Effects to blend them together and stuff. I was thinking of reworking the flames, maybe then spinning around Jaker. I'll do that and post another WIP. And I'll add some CC and fade in. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'll upload another WIP today c:
try sending the texture to ferrock or tompaine, theyr pretty decent at editing existing textures, offhand, their editing and general photoshop knowledge is probably as good as you can expect from anyone on the forums.
im sure if you explain what you want and what specific shapes you're looking for, theyd do it
should be pretty straightforward, seeing as the rest of the texture is a flat background.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Good idea, I'm not sure if I want that though.

Updated the video, added CC, better flame path, and more twitch. I'm not sure I like the motion tile transition. It'll look better if it was moving horizontally, instead of vertically.
Last edited by Slycooper; Sep 11, 2012 at 12:54 AM.

newest wip, i tried the mouth syncing thing. The replays after that will be normal replays without little editing. Just sync, freecam, and CC
ohh my fault ): this head texture is just a wip , i still use the gas mask thing .. i would like to finsh it .. but not enough time atm :/ ... the sync isnt there atm .. maybe you could use my old head , it would be much easier for you to sync it than
Last edited by Jaker; Sep 13, 2012 at 09:15 AM.