Hey everyone, some of you guys already know me but some do not. I am Hugo, or Drk either is fine and I have been playing Toribash since 2012, even though this accounts join date says other wise...(I've had my fair share of accounts lol) Let me start with a little information of who I am. I am 20 years old who is a football player (or soccer player) as well as a sprinter here in the UK . I live in England in London (GTM +0). I regularly use my desktop but I do have my phone which i use to which be more active on forums. I only really play toribash, I've recently started playing a lot more as I have managed to get back into this account which is my main account and now my only one. Some of you may have known me as Taf or Tafiria who was previously in this clan many moons ago. I currently work as a Project Coordinator, so I am sat infront of a screen from 8-5 and some so will usually alwasy be active in forums and then later in the evenings be more active in game mainly in betting servers.

Now lets get into the game part: I play a big variety of mods of I do exceptionally well in Aikido, Aikido Big Dojo, Box Mushu. I am a person that is open to all mods and I like to have fun overall. I have been in various known clans such as (FC) being my first, [e] the second, and finally (Voc). I was War Commander in all three clans, because I am good when it comes to wars (This was a while back now but I've still got it ;) ) 4th Dan and I could assure you I have never bought Qi.

Why I want to join Liquor? Back on my previous account (Tafiria) Although some might not remember me as well as I'd hoped, I really enjoyed my time here growing up with members like Kaito who of which I had at that point in time built a good relationship with in forums and in game, he was the one who mentioned I should actually apply again. I already interact with some of you ingame currently whenever we happen to be in the same server I try and say hi and see where the conversation goes etc.

So you made it to the end of the application! The last thing I want to say is thank you in advance for your time in considering my application and I hope I get a spot in this skilled and great clan.

P.S - I just recently made a Discord account for the time so I can look to try and interact with you guys more on there its that same as my current username( I know what gamer doesn't have discord right?! Me )
Originally Posted by DrKXD View Post
Hey everyone, some of you guys already know me but some do not. I am Hugo, or Drk either is fine and I have been playing Toribash since 2012, even though this accounts join date says other wise...(I've had my fair share of accounts lol) Let me start with a little information of who I am. I am 20 years old who is a football player (or soccer player) as well as a sprinter here in the UK . I live in England in London (GTM +0). I regularly use my desktop but I do have my phone which i use to which be more active on forums. I only really play toribash, I've recently started playing a lot more as I have managed to get back into this account which is my main account and now my only one. Some of you may have known me as Taf or Tafiria who was previously in this clan many moons ago. I currently work as a Project Coordinator, so I am sat infront of a screen from 8-5 and some so will usually alwasy be active in forums and then later in the evenings be more active in game mainly in betting servers.

Now lets get into the game part: I play a big variety of mods of I do exceptionally well in Aikido, Aikido Big Dojo, Box Mushu. I am a person that is open to all mods and I like to have fun overall. I have been in various known clans such as (FC) being my first, [e] the second, and finally (Voc). I was War Commander in all three clans, because I am good when it comes to wars (This was a while back now but I've still got it ;) ) 4th Dan and I could assure you I have never bought Qi.

Why I want to join Liquor? Back on my previous account (Tafiria) Although some might not remember me as well as I'd hoped, I really enjoyed my time here growing up with members like Kaito who of which I had at that point in time built a good relationship with in forums and in game, he was the one who mentioned I should actually apply again. I already interact with some of you ingame currently whenever we happen to be in the same server I try and say hi and see where the conversation goes etc.

So you made it to the end of the application! The last thing I want to say is thank you in advance for your time in considering my application and I hope I get a spot in this skilled and great clan.

P.S - I just recently made a Discord account for the time so I can look to try and interact with you guys more on there its that same as my current username( I know what gamer doesn't have discord right?! Me )

You are being discussed, until then please join our discord to get to know everybody a bit better:
See you there and goodluck!

edit; great application
Last edited by Team; Oct 12, 2021 at 01:30 PM. Reason: addin stuff
Liquor saved my life but it didn't save my wife

Disc - Trio#6860 | EST
Hennything is possible <3
Anyway whats good guys. Some of you may formally know me as Trio because I've been playing with some of you since 2014 but anywho. My names "Trioptical" but you can call me Mar short for Demarcus. Im a 19 year old from the eastcoast of North America. As I've said before I have been playing since 2014 and rock with a good bit of people in this clan, as for example Legacy, Frost, and I few others I met awhile ago. Im a huge ABD player and on the markets quite the bit. I've noticed this clan was brought back to life a good bit ago and seen a bunch of people I've known and been cool with were in here so I decided to apply. On top of that I've been in 1 or 2 calls and frost very drunkenly explained what hes done to improve and make this clan more active. Which was super fucking impressive considering he was 17-20 shots in and wasnt slurring as bad as I thought he would.

But Ill go into some details of what I like doing to show activity and whatnot. I enjoy hosting bet servers on busy and active toribash nights so if you ever are down to make a server with me please feel free to @ me in the discord chat and I will 100% be up to host. I also do MMA and spar a little bit even though im somewhat rusty and havent done such in awhile. Last but not least im always up for ABD private servers considering 60% of my games played are ABD. Hate to make this super long so Ill keep it super simple but thanks for taking a poke and reading my app.
I ruined Moops Sig.
Originally Posted by Henny View Post
Disc - Trio#6860 | EST
Hennything is possible <3
Anyway whats good guys. Some of you may formally know me as Trio because I've been playing with some of you since 2014 but anywho. My names "Trioptical" but you can call me Mar short for Demarcus. Im a 19 year old from the eastcoast of North America. As I've said before I have been playing since 2014 and rock with a good bit of people in this clan, as for example Legacy, Frost, and I few others I met awhile ago. Im a huge ABD player and on the markets quite the bit. I've noticed this clan was brought back to life a good bit ago and seen a bunch of people I've known and been cool with were in here so I decided to apply. On top of that I've been in 1 or 2 calls and frost very drunkenly explained what hes done to improve and make this clan more active. Which was super fucking impressive considering he was 17-20 shots in and wasnt slurring as bad as I thought he would.

But Ill go into some details of what I like doing to show activity and whatnot. I enjoy hosting bet servers on busy and active toribash nights so if you ever are down to make a server with me please feel free to @ me in the discord chat and I will 100% be up to host. I also do MMA and spar a little bit even though im somewhat rusty and havent done such in awhile. Last but not least im always up for ABD private servers considering 60% of my games played are ABD. Hate to make this super long so Ill keep it super simple but thanks for taking a poke and reading my app.

Apologies for not jumping on-top of this I've just been sorting some 'tings out, glad that the guys got to you and sorted it out, decent enough application and have played with you in-game a bit, welcome aboard as trial, keep active in DC and whatnot and you'll become full member within a week.
Liquor saved my life but it didn't save my wife

Originally Posted by Kamy View Post
Hello my name kamy I like drink yes
Invite ok?

Yes, Drink You Must.
MaryJane Good Fuh Yuh Soul, Like Toothpaste Good Fur Yuh Teet

Yo guys. Some of you may remember me. I’ve been in this clan before. I was here when liquor was founded.
Today I’d like to apply for Liquor. I’d like to come back to the family.

A little about my toribash life:
I have been inactive since 2016.
Im a player from 2008 I have an alt 10th Dan account that isn’t any longer used, it isn’t banned, just don’t use it.
I have been a member of liquor, sigma, inq, adventure, and mm
I used to be a dueler. Going to try to get back into that a good bit.
I’ve given tens of millions of tc to people and clans for events and such.
I like to help the community as a whole.
Me and Frost have been good friends for YEARS and I’d like to get to know the rest of you guys.

A little about my ilr self:
I’m from Mississippi/Usa
I’m 24 years old married with 2 kids
I’m a heavy equipment operator

Hope you guys take my application into consideration.
Originally Posted by Morals View Post
Yo guys. Some of you may remember me. I’ve been in this clan before. I was here when liquor was founded.Today I’d like to apply for Liquor. I’d like to come back to the family.

A little about my toribash life:
I have been inactive since 2016.
Im a player from 2008 I have an alt 10th Dan account that isn’t any longer used, it isn’t banned, just don’t use it.
I have been a member of liquor, sigma, inq, adventure, and mm
I used to be a dueler. Going to try to get back into that a good bit.
I’ve given tens of millions of tc to people and clans for events and such.
I like to help the community as a whole.
Me and Frost have been good friends for YEARS and I’d like to get to know the rest of you guys.

A little about my ilr self:
I’m from Mississippi/Usa
I’m 24 years old married with 2 kids
I’m a heavy equipment operator

Hope you guys take my application into consideration.

hey big boy, take this card and go through the shiny door, you were accepted, welcome ;)
Proud Liquor Member
Las guerras van y vienen, pero mis soldados son eternos.