wow impressive can you explain how you bent the knees? I've been struggling with that simple task ( im a little C4D noob).
and maybe you two stonewall and foodeater should actually download the rig and look at it? its very proportionate as you can see above.. he just enlarged the head for the animation.
Hi it's Praeter
This rig is fantastic. Mrama, did you read the text file that comes with it? You select the hand/foot controllers in the object manager then move them around. I find it helps to use the axis things for better control too.
Originally Posted by FoodEater View Post
I have a rig in blender.. and the proportions aren't off like this. Why is this stickied?

explain to me where the proportions are off.

this is stickied because we have more and more C4D users who were using the blender rig, naturally it's easier to have the rig in the program you use.

Originally Posted by Spartan094 View Post
The porportions aren't off.
Did this using this rig.

very nice.

Originally Posted by Mrama View Post
wow impressive can you explain how you bent the knees? I've been struggling with that simple task ( im a little C4D noob).
and maybe you two stonewall and foodeater should actually download the rig and look at it? its very proportionate as you can see above.. he just enlarged the head for the animation.

unless you're asking how I rigged it, the answer is below.

Originally Posted by hidingwarior View Post
This rig is fantastic. Mrama, did you read the text file that comes with it? You select the hand/foot controllers in the object manager then move them around. I find it helps to use the axis things for better control too.

thanks bro :P

anyways, I'm planning on adding variations (woman, bodybuilder etc.), so keep your eyes on this thread.
Former Item Forger
Thanks Stups, and wow, lots of quotes.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Originally Posted by Lempika View Post
Do I download the demo version?

yes. or buy the full version (very pricey.)
Former Item Forger