Hide right in front of the wall of worms and try getting it to eat the worms. Preferably by telling the seagull that its mom wears army boots (or some other sort of hilarious chiche insult).

Or just holding a handful of worms out to it works.
Try getting it to eat you. When you're in it's mouth, shove the blanket down it's throat, potentially suffocating it.
Originally Posted by CMon View Post
Try getting it to eat you. When you're in it's mouth, shove the blanket down it's throat, potentially suffocating it.

In retrospect, that may not have been the best idea.

That guy is in here, and he looks pissed. He seems to have made a cape of the curtain.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
Originally Posted by Burden View Post
Attempt to lasso the seagull's tonsils with your sheet and try to climb out

I got my lasso ready before I realized that bird tonsils are located closer to the stomach, at the bottom of the asophagus.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
Talk to the guy with the cape. If he's friendly, team up to climb out of its mouth. If he isn't, kick him in the nuts and climb out through its mouth.
Originally Posted by megaJuice View Post
Talk to the guy with the cape. If he's friendly, team up to climb out of its mouth. If he isn't, kick him in the nuts and climb out through its mouth.

Man, what a douche.

There is a guard. I wonder how I missed him on the way down.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
Kick the guards ass and use his fibula to whack the bird on the throat so she will open her mouth and pry it's mouth open with the dead guards fibula and jump out
Wait and be digested. Sure it's not pleasant but it's better than fighting the guard, you don't have your hippo armor anymore.