Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
we need
someone to make sure that nothing terrible gets in the default replays

seriously have you seen the new default replays

call me an attention whore, but i started making lots of replays because i wanted to reach those achievements that were set for the replaymakers. having an active replay thread? great. getting into ormo? fantastic. getting in the default replays? as impossible as it may sound, who the hell doesn't want to?

having an active thread isn't really possible now because of the inactivity on the replay board and ormo has lost some of it's glory (not all of it, let's not be so pessimistic).

now if getting in the defaults means having the right friends or having the mind blowing ability of private messaging a few people, i'm gonna lose my shit. this is basically destroying the few purposes one has to make good replays, and i'm sure i'm not the only one that feels like that.

i don't even think i need to mention the specific replays or people, but, if you don't already, you'll know it when you see them.

what i say is that we get someone at least decent to make sure that nothing horrible gets in, AND to make sure that the right ones are in there.

where's swexx? he made a spectacular multiplayer spar with largekilla (?) not so long ago, and i don't see it anywhere.

sprytryne? destruction magician and recently stupidly good at -30, yet not a sign of him.

notnoob? i don't even need to tell you about that one.

someone do something please

TLDR: read it
oh yeah
Does this give me permission to go into IRC and query spambot all admins and such with this.

Because I fully agree with you.
Most recent replays that have been put into the replis folder are actually saddening.
Like the Chazer-Niriss spar.
Or Dmau5's decap.

I support this, even though it's gunna make it harder on me considering I really don't make good replays and want to make it into the defaults.
the goblin
I could try and bring it up with hampa if you like?
The more people that post on this thread, the more ammunition I'd have, as it were

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Originally Posted by TamaKuu View Post
I support this, even though it's gunna make it harder on me considering I really don't make good replays and want to make it into the defaults.

i don't like comparing myself to other people but i'm just gonna do it for the sake of trying to cheer you up because i'm feeling like it today and because you need it

there are two replaymakers, you probably know them, joined somewhat at the same time i did, one even after that. i got told once that i was better than them. that's not up to me to decide though. what i want to say with this is that those guys were once so ahead of me that you wouldn't believe it. i hadn't scored my first boomhit and they were starring in videos whenever they felt like it.
obviously it made me sad. at the time, i was actually trying to get good because i wanted to compete. but just because i wasn't as good as two people, i just gave up and started playing the game because it was fun, and not for the competition. i didn't try to make my replays look good, i just went with whatever my instinct and head told me to go with. later, when that someone told me that (in his opinion) i was better than those people, it surprised me because i wasn't even trying to surpass anyone or anything anymore.

i'm not saying that you're doing that though, if i recall correctly you're not one to take notes on every piece of CnC around the corner, but i think that it's really important, even if it's just for the sake of cheering you up a bit :v

if you enjoy making replays, make them, and keep making them. if you make replays for yourself, you'll enjoy them much more and you'll put more into them to the point where you no longer impress yourself, but everyone else too.

hopefully that didn't sound too narcissistic

also something else that has been mentioned that is really important is getting out of your comfort zone. remember how much i hate -30? well as much as i hate to admit it, it improved my movement and ability to create speed out of thin air a god damn lot. it can be hard to find a reason to do something that you don't like though. mine for instance was the opener challenges, they were mostly -30 (yeah thank you russians) and i actually wanted to earn some money, but i got some -30 experience instead which is just as good.

TLDR: read it

Originally Posted by Erth View Post
I could try and bring it up with hampa if you like?
The more people that post on this thread, the more ammunition I'd have, as it were

you're the best
oh yeah
I was told that some of the new stuff that was put into the folder is there because of those players' sets. Get sweet art bros

But honestly, the people look at the replays a lot more because of the playstyle in them than because of the sets of the players, it doesn't seem like a valid enough reason to me. So I agree with you that this needs to change.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Originally Posted by Oblivion View Post
I was told that some of the new stuff that was put into the folder is there because of those players' sets. Get sweet art bros.

Worst reason I can think of to be put into the default folder. There are hundreds of awesome and unique sets out there, lets throw in replays made by all those people too.
That can not and should not be a reason to get into the default folder.
As both an art person and a replay maker, the set thing is a terrible idea to put replays in the defaults, why don't they just have an option which loads sets worthy of being put in rather than being lazy (I'd suggest doing this than adding hair and other useless shit in this game, as if they're a new fad, because honestly, they're not going to improve the experience of this game much at all)?

As for someone mentioned on the list, I cannot say much as I'll look bias towards myself, but Spry and Swexx do deserve in the defaults rather than that decap by Dmau5 and the other replays which got put in their recently.

Considering I actually saw Spry's replays in 2010 and thought "holy shit that's awesome" and actually started making some SP stuff after looking at his stuff (instagib mania 2 i didn't) It saddens me that I haven't seen him get in the defaults even though the quality of his replays are ultra high.
Last edited by notnoob; Aug 21, 2013 at 12:39 AM.
Sold my dog to join RRO
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
i don't like comparing myself to other people but i'm just gonna do it for the sake of trying to cheer you up because i'm feeling like it today and because you need it

there are two replaymakers, you probably know them, joined somewhat at the same time i did, one even after that. i got told once that i was better than them. that's not up to me to decide though. what i want to say with this is that those guys were once so ahead of me that you wouldn't believe it. i hadn't scored my first boomhit and they were starring in videos whenever they felt like it.
obviously it made me sad. at the time, i was actually trying to get good because i wanted to compete. but just because i wasn't as good as two people, i just gave up and started playing the game because it was fun, and not for the competition. i didn't try to make my replays look good, i just went with whatever my instinct and head told me to go with. later, when that someone told me that (in his opinion) i was better than those people, it surprised me because i wasn't even trying to surpass anyone or anything anymore.

i'm not saying that you're doing that though, if i recall correctly you're not one to take notes on every piece of CnC around the corner, but i think that it's really important, even if it's just for the sake of cheering you up a bit :v

if you enjoy making replays, make them, and keep making them. if you make replays for yourself, you'll enjoy them much more and you'll put more into them to the point where you no longer impress yourself, but everyone else too.

Thanks man.
the goblin
Fuck that really pisses me off.
You have the default replays as a massive goal for all replay makers, then get told it's not for having good replays.
Defaults are a goal all replay makers shamelessly strive for, and to be told that you don't get in for doing what you've worked so hard to do, like a kick in the goddamn teeth.

Also, I have news:
<pal> erth
<pal> can we use the default replays protest for torinews
<Erth> yeyeyeye


Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.