Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Snapkicks and whatnot.
So, the most common things that most of you seem to rage about is indeed NOT the shovel, not the me123ster opener, not any wushuopener but a simple snapkick.

Now, it would be nice to firstly; Define a snapkick.
Secondly; Argue why its a bad thing.
Thirdly; Offer some rebuttal if so needed in the case.
And then in the end try to summarize why all you kids love to rage so much.

So, lets begin, anyone who hates snapkicks may begin and i will offer you quite some substantial rebuttal before moving on to my main arguments which i flag as:
1st) The situational case, the usage of a principle move.
2nd) The limitations with such a move.
3rd) The problems behind the rage itself, is it justified etc etc.
4th) Who are you to claim to be right, without substantial arguments against it. (<- Not kidding, but i believe that would become a major topic in here quite soon)

I would appreciate you being openminded in this discussion. remember that all opinions are valued, but that the reasoning is the fundamental element that decides wether the point is substantial enough to valued equal to other arguments. (Arguing 101: Never claim something WITHOUT EVIDENCE OR REASON, LOGIC FALLACIES ARE THERE TO LET YOU DOWN)

Let the flaming begin. -.-'

Erth: Just to add to this, this WILL remain an open minded discussion, and no-one will be flaming. I will be closely monitoring this thread as the subject is known to get very heated. If it gets to the point of idiocy it's being closed.
I'd also like to know who's been arguing against snapkicks without reason and causing a problem ¬_¬
Last edited by Erth; Aug 24, 2012 at 01:10 PM.
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
Real men use snapkicks.

To me, a snap kick is well... a kick. Using a relaxed knee for the first 10 frames then extend your knee.
I don't think the snapkick that great of an issue. It just gets irritating if the same person does it over... and over... and over again. I don't really mind if a low belt does it. In fact, I almost expect them to do it. Its when a higher belt does it consistantly. Again, I don't mind it. I even use the snapkick sometimes. Its a move. And let's keep it that way. Its just a fucking move.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Snap kick = 20 frame kick.
What I dont like about it = It limits all creativity, In other words it makes the game borring. Why? (already said it) Its like playing rock paper scissors, there are no variations, you already know every possible reaction to that action (snap kick) so snap kicker wins in the first 20 frames or he gets anticipated and looses.(can you see a relation with snap kicks and rage quits? (Optional: snap vs snap)). This game has so many variations, 4 options per joint, 20 joints, 4^20 = 1,099,511,627,776 possible configurations per turn. So snaps reduce that to almost nothing.
Its a matter of perspective, if you only care about winning then my point might not be valid for you. (subjective)

Do I think its bad? = No. Its just a move, it can even be justified in some situations. Even if I dont like it, I still dont think its bad. Why? well... look at the tk ranking list, I've been #1 for months. Does that means I'm very good? No. It means I'm always ready to counter rush openers such as "snap kicks".

But it seems that snap kicks are not the problem. The problem is the raging about snaps or lets get to the point... It looks like the problem is that you care to much about what other people say/think (rage talk when you snap) so the conflict is Snap-rage, action-reaction, such as this thread.

My advise would be: dont care at all. Let the loosers talk. Snap as many fags as you can ;)
(sorry for bad English)
[ORMO] [OLDA] [The Team] [The JHX Experience]
Good day Dr. Freud
Reviving thread for no raisins whatsoever. The illusion of activity, perhaps.

Snapkicks are so easy to counter/dodge/block that I don't see much reason for anyone to whine about their usage. It's an inferior opener, clearly.

Slightly off topic, I'm pretty sure that if someone started using the original version of what was called the snapkick, it wouldn't be recognised as a snapkick by anyone anymore. I think nowadays it has a distinct appearance of a kick coming from the side, whereas the older version went forwards, pretty much.

Oh god I'm talking about the evolution of moves in a fighting game.
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
Originally Posted by Imsku View Post
Reviving thread for no raisins whatsoever. The illusion of activity, perhaps.

Snapkicks are so easy to counter/dodge/block that I don't see much reason for anyone to whine about their usage. It's an inferior opener, clearly.

Slightly off topic, I'm pretty sure that if someone started using the original version of what was called the snapkick, it wouldn't be recognised as a snapkick by anyone anymore. I think nowadays it has a distinct appearance of a kick coming from the side, whereas the older version went forwards, pretty much.

Oh god I'm talking about the evolution of moves in a fighting game.

Fuck the police
<Fish> How is being a dumbass a form of venting? Is this some sort of flatulence related joke?
Originally Posted by Imsku View Post

Snapkicks are so easy to counter/dodge/block that I don't see much reason for anyone to whine about their usage. It's an inferior opener, clearly.

same here
lmao that was

we are a bunch of non raging people who validly staed point on the internet and it didn't degrade into raging flame wars

congratulations all
back from the dead