Original Post
drop out
tomorrow, i wont be able to get on for a while. i have failed 8th grade 6 times. i am taking a test. i am dropping out for a year or two. sooo if i pass, i will try to be on more. wish me luck!
I ♥ BenDover
i understand u dropping out but cowman '8' TIMES?!?!
Rawrawrawr, Ima Psy >:U
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sorry to invade but

u cant really fail 8th grade..

but if you fail algebra u still will go to high school but u will be taking algebra 1 again
ya. very imbarresing. well i will get the results back monday. hopefully i passed.
I ♥ BenDover
Originally Posted by cowman101 View Post
ya. very imbarresing. well i will get the results back monday. hopefully i passed.

Oh, I understand fully now.
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