Original Post
oh hi

Can i come back?

I missed you guys I did it wrong, I'm a stupid fucker.

don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.

I say yay!!
This is the Emergency Alert System. All normal programming has been discontinued during this emergency.

Hi veb! :3
It's good of you to admit your mistake :o
<+veb> dude___________________._____________________<hampa> the hosting center decided to raise the price
<+veb> I am to durnk to pu6t in the wriute commmand lol ___<hampa> and we only run irc on this machine which is a bit of a waste
<+veb> and u suxc u cant od it gfro me ______|______._____<Lapsus> How much power is behind the IRC server?
<+veb> ;oml?________________________________________<hampa> it is like delivering pizza using an airplane
He never really left, it was just an illusion!
HIYAAAAAAaaa FACEKICK IN YOUR FACE....... Nah i'm just kidding
Originally Posted by CheZDa View Post
He never really left, it was just an illusion!

=O veb's still here, and I didn't even know it!
<@Phoenix_afk> pro
Hay vablz.

Is can has cuddles for say hi?
Creator of Aikido and Wushu
Most likely candidate to rediscover Toribash every 3 years.