Weekend Bash
Your movement here is clearly very competent and smooth, and your techniques are efficient. However I think it subtracts from the impact of the replay to use the same setups so many times, this really does feel like you're spamming cheat setups and swings. Personally I'd mix it up a bit to create some more dynamic and exciting movement. First things that came to mind that I'[d add were maybe some touchdown tricks, like td hook, a few kicks that don't originate from a cheat setup, or just anything that doesn't follow that same spinny-steppy line of motion
Originally Posted by Glimpsed View Post
Your movement here is clearly very competent and smooth, and your techniques are efficient. However I think it subtracts from the impact of the replay to use the same setups so many times, this really does feel like you're spamming cheat setups and swings. Personally I'd mix it up a bit to create some more dynamic and exciting movement. First things that came to mind that I'[d add were maybe some touchdown tricks, like td hook, a few kicks that don't originate from a cheat setup, or just anything that doesn't follow that same spinny-steppy line of motion

Thx for feedback, bro! In the next replay I will try some setups, besides the cheats
First russian Ninja
good heavens that last trick was fire

smooth overall but the only interesting part is the ending
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
that last trick was sick, how's it even called?
I really like how fast yet smooth your moves are
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Originally Posted by victortb View Post
that last trick was sick, how's it even called?


Really nice replays, creative tricks and transitions! Keep up stuff like this, I absolutely love irl-looking lines filled with vanishes and redirects. Clean replay bro keep em coming!
Last edited by Chilledon; Dec 16, 2022 at 04:39 PM.
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Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
good heavens that last trick was fire

smooth overall but the only interesting part is the ending

I didn't expect to see such famous personalities again. It's an honor for me

Thank you, Xioi!
Originally Posted by Chilledon View Post

Really nice replays, creative tricks and transitions! Keep up stuff like this, I absolutely love irl-looking lines filled with vanishes and redirects. Clean replay bro keep em coming!

Thank you, tricking-bro! I will try to become even better
Originally Posted by victortb View Post
that last trick was sick, how's it even called?
I really like how fast yet smooth your moves are

Thank you, bro!
Last edited by FirstNinja; Dec 17, 2022 at 07:28 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
First russian Ninja