Weekend Bash
Original Post
~Ill Buy Items 75% off~
Okay, so you got some items that you dont want? Well ill buy them 50-75% off the lowest price in deal finder. OR just make me a reasonable offer and ill jump on it. Im currently at 372tc D:<. Ill get more soon, thats a promise.
Ill buy everything from:

Head Avatars- 800tc each
Head Textures- 800tc each
Hand Textures- 1k each
Foot Textures- 1k each
Lax's- 50-80% off lowest price in df
Force's- 50-80% off lowest price in df
Torso's- 50-80% off lowest price in df
Primary Grads- 50-80% off lowest price in df
Secondary Grads- 50-80% off lowest price in df
(i do not buy custom textures, only the texture items)
So make your offers!
Last edited by DeathTone47; Jul 20, 2010 at 08:56 PM.
Daxx: that will spend all my current tc, so ill get back to you on that in a few minutes :O
Kolors: No, thats higher then the deal finder price, i said 50-75% OFF so no
No, dont post here unless you recheck your resources first.
Found: Dragon force for 7,900 tc 56.11% off
Found: Dragon force for 8,000 tc 55.56% off
And ill buy 50-75% off of those prices^.