Toribash 4.0 & Turning Off Shaders
If you've got a machine that can't do shaders you've probably already noticed you can't get 4.0 to start because that silly hampa has them turned on as a default option.
Lucky for you uncle SkulFuk's going to tell you how to fix it the quick & lazy way.
First open your Toribash folder, then find the
default.cfg file.
Open notepad (it's on your start menu somewhere), get the default.cfg file & drag it onto notepad. Booya! It's opened the file, magic.
Next find the line for shaders and change the 1 to a 0.
Save the file, exit notepad, load Toribash. Job's a good 'en.
Details on how to do this on a Mac, click
Last edited by Foxy; Mar 9, 2014 at 08:52 PM.