Weekend Bash
Original Post
[Tex]Scarred man
It is a new request I am doing for a badass dark skin man.
it is a WIP at the moment.
scars will be added later.


Last edited by dengue; Mar 25, 2013 at 05:00 PM.
As awesome as your heads/faces are, I always feel like they're too wide...
8/10 anyway Better then I could do.
We need to strengthen our roots and bloom the inner flowers that represent our minds. We are not beasts. Not savages, but men.- PeaceKeeper62
your noses, mouths and eyes are getting better with every texture, its actually getting creepy, how accurate theyr getting. but your ears havent changed in months. they still look like unwrapped condoms on the side of his face.
i like how you are moving away from that overly defined jaw, think youve got a nice balance to it now.
the shading on the sides, just in front of the ears, is really subtle, but really gives it depth, the face pops out nicely.
design wise you havent improved at all. this head looks the same as your last one, nothing to make it stand out. sure you made the skin tone darker, but he doesnt look black, or arabic, he just looks tanned(and a fake tan at that)
the recipe is still the same, texturing by numbers.

i dont know what you had in mind when you were doing the shape of the mouth, but it isnt working. it looks like he's tweaked a nerve in his jaw and its pulling his mouth down.
or that face that girls pull in photos when theyr feeling crazy, not the duckface, the other one, but they make that same face.
doesnt look angry at all, its too neat, its too clean and its too accurate.

so ya, technique wise, you are improving big time, but overall, it still looks the same as your heads from last year
Last edited by BenDover; Mar 25, 2013 at 08:33 AM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
thanks for the comments.

first post update with the corrections,
I will look more for the values of the face.
IT still looks headstrong, maybe it is because it is bald.
adding a hair version next.

made him thin.
Last edited by dengue; Mar 25, 2013 at 12:40 PM.
The nose and mouth is perfect
i think the eyes are too wide, but overall... 9/10 amazing
want head texture? k just pm me
added hair and beard version.
this is over,
the final version on the spoiler on the first post.
Last edited by dengue; Mar 25, 2013 at 05:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hair is horrible, srsly. I mean it looks not like hair at all. Btw it seems like thi head but just african edition.


Try to make hair more realistic, like this but african.


Well, very nice, i don't liked much the first one, the color of some heads was kinda awkward, too unrealistic, but you've made a nice job in the last ones.
So realistic eyes and face details, and this scar maked him '' devil '', i'm scared now. õ.O
8,7/10 Geral rate.
Originally Posted by Hug View Post
Hair is horrible, srsly. I mean it looks not like hair at all. Btw it seems like thi head but just african edition.


Try to make hair more realistic, like this but african.


is that a susanin texture?

the hair is pretty much spot on, you obviously dont see many black people where you live.
the only thing he could have done to improve that hair is add more depth and highlights.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-