I gotcha bro.
That was actually quite good. I would say I'm surprised I've never heard of you, but that's probably because I haven't touched this game for a solid couple of months. The whole "double contracted legs into kicking the ground for momentum" opener thing is somewhat cliche by now, but at least you used it to go directly into a hook kick rather than into something more obvious. Hook kick was great by the way. Excellent followup kick and you transitioned out of your upside down position seamlessly, very professional. Last kick was great, but I would either have you make that a boomhit or just a decap, because a boomhit is obviously more explosive, and would make the setup for that kick seem more "worth it". A singular decap, though, is also good because you can really get the head rather than worrying about other parts, and really make that thing fly.
Overall, great replay, just a couple fine-tuning things you need to do with your style and strategy.