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[Tex] Ninja set (Xioi)
Alright guys the community feedback makes my pm'ed requests better in my opinion so judge as harshly as you can!
(hopefully this is a legit way of handling this)


Last edited by 13chillz; Jun 20, 2013 at 12:05 AM.
As far for the head i'm loving the face a ton
as for the hood is kinda plain but ye, first wip

looking forward to what sexy shiz you're gona pull out off this
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Is this head free? Because if so it could still be easily stolen because since where you put your name is at the bottom right. that will just be hidden.
The chin is too high and the ears are a little bit too far from the eye, a rule says half eye from front look, and one eye from side look,I still think it can be adjusted a little, it is my opinion.

The expression above the nose, on the forehead wrinkles says mad, and the eyebrows dont express this feeling and so the eyelid look.

mouth is too far from the nose, and the mask folds are mirrored,
mouth is not shown in some kind of masks, like when the mask is not suited tight on the face.

Great work with this.
Last edited by dengue; Jun 14, 2013 at 06:32 AM.
Originally Posted by dengue View Post
The chin is too high and the ears are a little bit too far from the eye, a rule says half eye from front look, and one eye from side look,I still think it can be adjusted a little, it is my opinion.

The expression above the nose, on the forehead wrinkles says mad, and the eyebrows dont express this feeling and so the eyelid look.

mouth is too far from the nose, and the mask folds are mirrored,
mouth is not shown in some kind of masks, like when the mask is not suited tight on the face.

Great work with this.

thanks ill move some things around perhaps. the wrinkles are mirrored right now just to get the basic shapes together.


added another wip. played with some of the stuff dengue mentioned. I kept failing at creating the same expression throughout the face so its left as it was for now. need to decide if i should shade with strokes like it is now or if i should use a big fatty soft brush and make it smooth. (or combo i guess) added a headband (wip) to see what it looks like.
Last edited by 13chillz; Jun 15, 2013 at 01:38 AM.
Looks extremely neat so far
Loving it all with the head so far

Just get to the detailing and then
Start sketching the rest
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Originally Posted by The7thVoid View Post
maybe a different eye color
that would be better

that was a specific part of the request so its not up to me to change it