Weekend Bash
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Sending TC ingame!
hey guys,

I just wondered if it could be possible (maybe it already is) to send Toricredits ingame! for example if you're in a betting server and want to send the TC for a nudge or something else you can just type it in the chat and don't have to open your browser to send it. what do you think about it ? good ? bad ? not needed ? give me your opinions!
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Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
I'm rather against. Browser is always open with me and it's rly not that hard to go to browser and send.

I know tons of people who don't have their browser open while playing.

I am on the fence for this, would be more convenient for users but it might also decrease forum activity...
I am all for this. It would be much easier to have an option right below that chat or something that lets to send tc to another player (for nudges etc)

I don't see how it reduce forum activity, you don't post or speak with anyone to send toricredits.
Your pal,
Why not, it would just make things a lot more efficient in betting rooms. Also quite a chunk of the Toribash community don't know what the forums are.
right on
This was suggested long ago, but denied I think.

Something to do with more scams due to this since newbies will trust anyone and just send away tc and cry about it on the forums.

Originally Posted by trickbob View Post
Why not, it would just make things a lot more efficient in betting rooms. Also quite a chunk of the Toribash community don't know what the forums are.

That's what I was talking about, if you can send TC in-game, then new players wouldn't need to visit the website, therefore less people will find out about the forums.
I think there should be a definite balance of functions on both the forums and in-game.
Not everything should be at-hand, that creates more exposure to issues we probably can't see yet.

It's fine the way it is IMO.
Sending tc ingame
I think there should be an option so you can send tc or an item in game.

The command could be something like /send (amount of tc)/(item) (player name).
Then after there could be a little message that tells you.
There should also be a command to accept or decline the tc ir item.

To accept the command should be something like /item accept (person who has sent the item to you).

To decline the command could be /item decline (person who has sent the item to you).

/send 5000 Gizodude

Gizodude has sent you 5000 tc

/item accept Gizodude
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