Weekend Bash
Original Post
I'm loving it already. I'd like to see back views from those head, but from what I see so far, The gray head is looking a tad to simple around the top, and the red one looks pretty badass. I like the one eyed concept on that one.
I personally love the purple one, I feel it being simplistic is exactly what fits it. I would buy it for a good price too.
Alive and Kicking again, [SECRET], former artist, I lose all my matches.
Sweet art style iso, can't wait to see the full thing. Add more robotic shit to the heads though it looks like more could be done.
i am the best in toribash
Personally I do not think any more detail needs to be added to the head textures , simplicity can be a good thing , something that this community lacks when it comes to textures. Everyone thinks in order to have a good texture they have to detail the crap out of it , this is not true . The painting world is a good example.

I say leave them as they are , the textures look great. Stay with that style for the rest of the set too and don't let anyone change that.
Originally Posted by TRichard21 View Post
I say leave them as they are , the textures look great. Stay with that style for the rest of the set too and don't let anyone change that.

He said it before I did. Another reason why these are a bit simple is because There will be 4 or 5 of them.
I won't have enough time to make each one really dense with technological doo dads so making each one relatively simple will keep them from out shining each other.

(they're free anyways who cares)
Sorry about the lack of updates but my computer is currently in prices because of a faulty motherboard.
I'll try to jump back on this project as soon as possible. ;)