Weekend Bash
Original Post
Good to be back!
Oh man. I don't know what reminded me of ToriBash again, but I'm glad it did.

Here are three replays I threw together for practice.

Jolly Good Fellow: A small combo I named after the fact that I open it by slapping Uke's back

Whiplash: Even smaller combo and really, nothing special. Just decided to include it since it was the very first replay I made after installing ToriBash on this computer.

Demolisher kick: I'm really pleased with this one. It took ages to get that kick to hit at a good angle, but it sure was worth it. It's a bit hard to bring the leg into a pose in a good-looking way though. Even if relax all the leg muscles, the movement doesn't look natural after such a powerful kick.

EDIT: reuploaded replays, they were borked after the server outage.
Attached Files
01 Jolly good fellow.rpl (299.7 KB, 34 views)
02 Whiplash.rpl (272.5 KB, 18 views)
03 Demolisher Kick.rpl (139.8 KB, 23 views)
Last edited by Archlurps; Dec 17, 2013 at 07:24 PM.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Nice, not bad for coming back. Ill be watching for more replays from you

Demolisher Kick: I liked this replay, cool and powerful kick. The only thing that bugged me was it being a tad sloppy. but nothing to bad good job!
Thanks for the CnC! What do you mean by sloppy? Too much damage from uke?

Anyhow, I made a running replay. The lazy git I am, I'll make a more destructive version with the same run later. It's on -30 gravity.

EDIT: I'm going to bed in a while, so I'll upload some replays I was planning to save for later.

Reach Out: A pretty crappy but long-reach splitpunch. meh.

Bend Ya Cross my Knee: An edit of "Jolly Good Fellow" up there with a less jerky followup move, a spank-bottom on uke. Hence the name.

next time I'm planning to make that combo version of Dead Run
Attached Files
01 Bend Ya Cross My Knee.rpl (281.0 KB, 9 views)
04 Reach Out.rpl (205.9 KB, 9 views)
05 Dead Run.rpl (259.4 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by Archlurps; Dec 17, 2013 at 07:27 PM. Reason: reuploaded replays, they were borked after the server outage.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Pretty nice since you've been gone for way too long

the kick-throwback thing was awesome on dead run, the running itself was blocky as fuck though

bend ya cross my knee: way too messy, not much more to say about that

reach out: pretty much what you said

anyways it's great to see you're back
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
I lost internet connection for a couple of days. Some goober dug up a bundle of copper cables during some sort of installation work, allegedly thought they were scrap metal and buried them back. Yeah, they were internet cables (or probably built as phone lines since they're copper. Anyhow). Good thing they got it fixed before the weekend. Then the forums were offline and now I still can't download replays apparently. At least I can update this thread.

Good to see familiar faces still on the forums, Juhizz! Thanks for being so frank about the run. I really neglected the torso area, it is really stiff. Did you check out the boomhit (demolisher kick) in the first post? It's another one where I might have failed to recognize shortcomings with the boom taking all my attention.

And Touch Faith: Much less meh combo off the same starter as "Reach out".
Mohammad: The still-blocky dead run, topped with a more extensive destruction of Uke
Spinal Tap: A markedly less blocky sprint this time, with a decap and boomhit to the small of the back. I'm really proud of the three last strides, I thought I'd lost all hope of balance before I started messing with the glutes.
Attached Files
04 And Touch Faith.rpl (250.3 KB, 13 views)
05 Mohammad.rpl (399.0 KB, 19 views)
06 Spinal Tap.rpl (282.5 KB, 13 views)
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
I've been having the worst luck with this thread. First I lose internet, then the forums are offline, then they're online and replays don't work.

In lieu of a completely shameless self-bump, here's another replay. Please tell me if the three replays before this one don't work and I'll reupload them.

Solar Plexus: alternate boomhit version of "Spinal Tap"
Attached Files
06 Solar Plexus.rpl (255.5 KB, 20 views)
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
The run was eh, could've been better. Was really stiff, and pec movement was blehs.
The front roll to the kick was alright, but I didn't like the way your body went really limp right before. Also, you could've done something cooler if you had extended your knee at around 275.
Dms were alright, fairly messy. I like the idea of extending everything after you finished though.
I know the run is pretty sketchy from the abs up, especially after taking such a long break, the multitasking required is a bit much for me. I didn't even notice how much I slam Uke's face with my Tori's shin. Funny you should say it could've been better if I'd jumped around 275, because that's what the original from this run did. I believe I mentioned in the post, that it's a partial remake off of a replay called "Spinal Tap".

Doru: this is just a quickie. A clusterDM kick to the chest.
Attached Files
07 Doru.rpl (155.7 KB, 15 views)
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
hold your neck in the future
the launch looked fine but the way you transitioned to it looked a bit choppy
kick is nice but then you relax the knee and extend it again, looks bad
pose is veeery lazy and doesn't look nice at all

overall the replay is very boring cause nothing that happens in it catches the eye since it's just a spinlaunch to a chestboom

try to get more creative with your replaymaking and remember that you don't have to go for the kill and pose right away, make it look pleasant!

keep working though, i'd like to see you grow as a replaymaker
Doru is definitely just a quickie. I've always done a backwards heelkick split or boom as one of my first replays when coming back from a hiatus, which makes this the fourth one. Truth be told, I only posted it to bump the thread. I'm pretty rubbish at posing in general, I guess I should get someone to tutor me or something.

I'd like to see myself grow as a replay maker, too, I've been in pretty much the same place since 2010. I'd really like to understand how you whippersnappers get those amazingly powerful but relaxed strikes.

There are several more replays in here and you seem to spot the right things. Would you mind going over at least some of them, too? I had rotten luck with the time I posted this thread, but all the replays work (I reuploaded them)

Anyhow, here's something hopefully more inventive:
Spitroast: A shamelessly messy punch combo followed with a bit of a juggle before a decap. One of my better poses, or transitions to a pose, I think. I'm well aware of the somewhat awkward way my leg looks between Uke's (cf. the name), but when I accidentally jammed it up there I just couldn't resist the control it gave me over Uke.

EDIT: I apparently forgot to upload the actual replay. Find it in my next post.
Last edited by Archlurps; Dec 22, 2013 at 12:25 AM.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!