I present to you:
TORIBASH FAN FICTIONS! (Warning, lots of honka honka)
ishi woke up one summer morning...
Uric was in the shower.
She rubed her firm, perfectly shaped breasts as the water cascaded over her naked body.The bubbles from the soap breifly obscured the pinicals of them before she rinced it off...the clear water making her pretty skin shiny in the daylight coming from the open window She stretched upwards, makeing her C-cup mammary glands look even bigger. She had long wanted even bigger breasts as she was jealous of Solax.
Meanwhile Solax was walking by Uric house, in Uruguay
She saw steam coming from the window, and went over the look...after all, the house could have been on fire!
Suddenly, ishi walked in.
As ishi was undressed by the girls, he examined them carefully
"You know, i never noticed how firm and big your breasts are!"
"Why dont you feel them"
"Can I feel more?"
"Only if you let us feel you a bit!", she reached down and grabbed his rod.
"you can pleasure us, while we watched and feel eachover...we need a big strong man like you to forfill us" Solax started thrusting ishi's peter back and forward really hard. Before feeding it into her.
She quickly got very wet indeed. Her door of life was as wet as a deep ocean river bed. ishi' thrusted his 9inch cock into both of them one at a time, as the girls rubbed eachothers coconuts softly.
This went on for 6 hours, before the girls got tired.
"thank you"
"Dont mention it"
Solax turned the h0t shower off, and they all walked into the living room.
ishi' put his cloaths on, but Solax and Uric stayed naked.
"What did you come here for anyway?"
"Oh, yes, i came here to tell you hanz0 has returned, and i need your help to defeat him"
"ok, we will get our cloaths on and follow you on your erotic quest!"
"No time for that!, you will have to stay naked."
"oh, thats ok, gives us more time to admire our hot female bodys"
"yes, I love running around naked, my breasts bounce around in circular paturns"
"Wed do anything for you snuggems."
"ok lets go!!!!"
And they left to beging the start of the first chapter in their epic quest.
Arriving at the mysterious shack, ishi found that there was an item laying on the table in the shack. Around the shack was a mysterious circle drawn in crayon.
"Be careful" said Lightningkid who as usually was trembling behind ishi. ishi carefully manuvred into the shack and on his tiptoes and scuttled forward. The floorboards beneath his feet croaked and ishi could hear a loud hummer coming from the table. There the Hampa laid. Right there for his taking.
But ishi was clever. ishi knew it was a trap!
So ishi said to Lightningkid, "Why don't you take it, it looks safe."
And Lightningkid was like "Oh, well, if you're sure, I will!"
cleverly edged backwards and let him to do the taking. ishi knew that if it was a trap, Lightningkid would be triggering it. And then hanz0 would get him, but not him. ishi knew Lightningkid wouldn't mind sacrifcing himself for him. He always said that.
But forutnately when Lightningkid grabbed the Hampa, nothing happened. Except they were sneaky attacked by Ninja's!
They leaped into the shack and threw shurikons at them, but they managed the dodge them quite well (by using their reflexs from all their trainings).
They told them they weren't the people they were looking for so they left.
But now with the Hampa in their hands, they could take hanz0 straight on!
After teleporting they finally arrived at the hanz0's lair. It was the second biggest most phalicly penis shaped tower they had ever seen! And atop they heard the roar of hanz0's fearsome dragon Snuffles.
No longer owuld it singe villagers and kill cattle. It would finally pay for its crimes !
"Roar! Roar!" the dragon laughed. It wooshed around and when it saw our heroes, it breathed in fire deeply and spewed it at them! But our heroes were better than that, and with the spell stored inside the Hampa, ishi used his Becoming a puddle and unleashed it upon the dragon!
The scared dragon fled and the heroes could get in.
Then at the end of a long stairway, ishi saw hanz0 furnishing an incantation!
Once more ishi unleashed the Becoming a puddle but it had no use!
"Hahahaha! siad hanz0. "Yur powers do nothing against my greatest evil. And you don't even know why...."
"I'll tell you why!" says hanz0 with lingering evil in his voice. "It's because the dragon.... is secretly your father!"
"My father?! Noooooo! What have you done?!"
"I have turned your father into a dragon!"
"Noooo what have you done?!"
"I have turned him into a dragon! And now you will suffer too and be enslaved by this special spell I have prepared just for you!"
And with that last sentence, hanz0 pointed his hedious finger at ishi and a black snake shaped streak of lighte went from his fingertip, onto the ishi.
"Arrggh!" ishi muttered fiercly. "Arrthuhgh!"
ishi"! said Solax, "Noooo!"
And Lightningkid ran towards hanz0 and reasoned reasonably with hanz0. The spell stopt absuddenly! And with that, ishi's dad was also freed from his prison in dragon form!
But he decided to stay a dragon because that was awesome. But he was no longer evil! So they all went ontop of the dad and flew back home. The end!
Toribash: Fight for the Future: The Last Struggle of Good and Evil
ishi woke up one summer morning...
On a cold september, after my great adventures, I was wondering what to do that week. I had picked up my life from where I left it and wanted to make something from it. Then all the sudden a strange woman appeared on my doorstep. She was hiden beneath a long cloak and had long brown nails on her fingers. Her dirty hair fluished down from beneath the cloak and she had glowing eyes!
"You are not who you think you are!" said the strange woman.
"What do you mean?" I said.
"You are not who you think you are," she said again with a mysterious crackling voice like a bad radio transmission.
"I still don't understand you?" I said.
"Here, take this," she said and gave I an Boxers.
"Take this and give it to your parents or guardian, they will know what to do with it!"
And with that she disappeared before my eyes!
I was confused but thought that I had to do something. But rather than going to my parents or guardian, I decided to show it to Siku.
"Oh no," said Siku, "you must forget about this!"
"Why?" I enquired, "what do you know?!"
"I... I can't tell you. My dear ishi, I didn't think it would be this soon!"
"What?!" I yelled, "are you keeping things away from me?!"
"It's .... it's for your own good! You cannot know this!" said Siku and before I could do anything, Siku had escaped my grasp.
"No! Dammit! When will I ever know the truth?!"
I was feeling depressed. One of my best friends abandoned and betrayed me. It hurt. So I wanted to find Tonakai. After their adventure, I and Tonakai had been spending a lot of time together. I kind of started to like her.
So I went to Tonakai and told the whole story. She listened to me without saying a single word.
Then she said: "WTFOMMGBBQ, this is serious!!!"
And I said: I know! Do you know a way to find out what is happening? Why is everyone hiding things from me?!"
Tonakai sighed and said: "You have always been special, I and not just to me."
"How do you know that?"
Tonakai looked at the book that I had received and said: "it kind of looks like the Purple dildo, doesn't it?"
"could be...but it might not be...but, yeah,certainly it might be"
"Whatever it is, I can recognise it quite well. And I think," Tonakai said, "that perhaps the mysterious woman wanted you to find something inside of you.
"Inside? Like my heart?"
"No, don't be silly, like a memory. Think about it, if your parents lied to you and now Siku doesn't want to talk to you about your background, perhaps there is a hidden memory in your head!"
Tonakai's logic was flawless. So I had to try it!
So I concentrated on the object. immeditately <I> felt drawn into it. It stated ouit as a vague, fuzzy thing like when you wear glasses and there is a lot of moisture in the air and you see a dog|a cat|some girls head lamps|a meter long king kong dong on the horizon.
But then it turned out that there was a secret memory, hidden beneath the vail layer of doubt that I had had all my life.
And within that memory, a burning figure appeared. It was hanz0! In hell...
I was confused. I didn't think that memory would be in there, and yet it was there, burning like the biggest atomic bombs and the centre of the earth.
Fortunately Siku worked at a newspaper nowadays and he used the archieve of the newspaper to find out the hang outs of hanz0's entourage.
Their search led to a lesbian night club in the darkiest and stormiest part of A box. I was a little hesitant to go. It was rather scary and it was dark and stomy in that secting of A box. But the courage in me was greater than my fear because with my Flexing I should be able to accomplish anything, right, I thought to myself.
And Siku would join me.
So not to fall out of fashion we both stripped and squeezed into their darkest clothing. I had to admit that Siku looked kind of sexy in that outfit of his. But I didn't dare to comment on that (I had only just discovered I am bi, and I was a little angxious over that. I wans't sure if my othre friends would accept that!.
I instead poored down my soul into my make-up. I bore lovely blood-rose coloured finger nails with black streaking strips and gave Siku matching treatment. Siku eye-catching eyes met mine and for a moment we were both swimming in a pool made of a eye-catching combination of their eyes colours. It was romance we knew, but we didn't know whether it was a forbidden one or not!
Oh hell, hanz0 could wait. Now I looked upon Siku with lust filling my purple-helmeted warrior of love . hanz0 could be taking over the world for what I cared, now it should be all about me and Siku.
But little did I know that in fact Siku had been lusting after me as well! With force and lust Siku threw me onto the sacrificial altar and thrusted himself right into me. I moaned. We came. Then we went off and defeated hanz0.
We jumped out of my sweet ride and we stood before the place hanz0 had been amazing his forces. It was the wormhole to hell. And finally we got confirmation for what we had been expected all along... hanz0.... was satan!
But that did not deter me. I could press on and 70 seeing my courage, my friends too found the strenght in themselves to push themselves to the limit .
But then we heard a loud noise, like the stamping of feet or like a bad car engine or when they try and make the ground flat enough so they can build a side-walk. All around us, ultrademons appeared!
hanz0 had us. And I know that what he was going to do with us, it wasn't going to be pretty!or involve much clothing!
or suitable for children!
But then I saw massive wings sprouting from my rear. Where had once been the golden and silver tattooes, I had wings!
I spread them out before me and stretched them.An aurora of power emanated from them They were at least 5 meters in windspan.
I then turned to hanz0. He gawked in awe at me. It was a power he had not seen before.
"This power," hanz0 said, "This power is... I have never... seen... such power."
Even Thorn looked in awe at me. And then she said what everyone (including me) had been thinking but didn't dare to say: "You're an... you're an... an..."
"Say it, I said" "Tell the truth, I can take it!" I said as I felt the burning nerves in my body floating in my stomach.
"An Angel," said hanz0 in absolute and utter awe. "THis I... I never have seen before"
mwah and Siku were just as much in awe. Though with mwah, I knew it was because he just loved me so much. When I looked in his eyes, it was like I was drowing in a puddle of the deepest of colours. When he takes me every evening, ravages my buttom. And every night he asks me, "Are you truly from heaven" as his wand lays there, resting from a long and hard struggle. Now he knew the answer. And deep inside of me, I was happy. Happy that he could finally have me as how I am, not what I pretended to be.
I stretched my wings further and light came from beneath them, surrounding everyone in the syrinic light. The demons had to hide their ugly feces beneath their wings as not to be burned by the beauty of my light.
hanz0 fell down on his knees and raised his arms in prayer: "Oh god, let me live. Let me be a part of the light again@"
And I looked down upon him and took out a katana that I had been carrying on my back all this time and with one quick sweep I cut hanz0 head clean off. In intimidation, all demons also lost their heads. Before us the portal exploded in rays of light and blue and greens and cyans. It was a wonderous spectacle to behold!
mwah ran into my arms and whispered naughty things in my ear. That was what we were going to do tonight, after we're back and rested a bit. Then he would bang me so deep, his eggroll would come out the other side. I was looking forward to it.
Then I was crowned of A box and I would live many many lives after this one.
ishi woke up one morning...
Solax felt really dperessed one day. She had just found out that she was adopted. Her real parents turned out to be nobels from Europe. They had a castle and were mighty richt! But she had none of that richness around. It made her feel pretty bad about herself so she listened to some good music.
But long she did not have to be depressed as ishi came in and kissed her in her special place (they had falled in love at the end of the story see). And he said: "I love oyu so much, it hurts.But fortunately I like pain, as I am into that stuff. But I know you are hurt now and not in the sexy way. What is wrong with you? If you feel bad then I feel bad.But not in the sexy way"
So Solax told him the whole story. He was shocked to hear this and said "I'm really shocked to hear this! Your parents are horrible!"
"Which ones?"
"All four of them, I don't like them. As much as I don't like Uric!"
And that was a lot because Solax knew that ishi hated Uric because she was consistently dumb and irratating.
But ishi took out a letter, "this had just arrived," said ishi.
Solax openend the envolupe and inside was an invitation:
"Most Esteemed Solax said the message"
"You are condord invited to the royal ball of your parents. Your real parents, miss."
"We hope to see you soon. A royal goodbye to you, dutchess!"
Oh my, said Solax this is aweomse. But ishi was a little sceptic: "Maybe it's a trick."
"Why?" said Solax
"Because there are.... rumours. Of hanz0 still being around!"
"Surely he could not come all the way to Europe!?" said Solax wisely because she didn't think that hanz0 could travel that far.
"Hurm," said ishi contagiously, "we just have to be careful."
"Hold on," exlciamed Solax, there is something else in the invitation!
"Princess Solax, hereby we also bestow upon you the keys to the cage of a flying unicorn your parents have provided you with. Also, whenever you hold this key in your hand, your powers are increased"
Solax was really happy with that but also felt a little bad for ishi. After they had a relaction ship, ishi had taught her his Becoming a puddle and she picked it up really well! She was now even better at ishi at the Becoming a puddle!
So they went and picked up the flying unicorn. It was really quick and agile and flew around them like it really enjoyed itself! It took a moment but with enough training and perversion, Solax trained it to her will! Now they could go and visit their parents!
But little did they know that the invitation was not from Solax's european nobel parents, but from Uric instead! And she had teamed up with hanz0!
I was introduced at the others at the base. There was of course voluminous Solax and sporty Lightningkid. Smart and clever Uric and... and Erth.
I too had heard of Erth and had always been a little insecure about my feelings for him
But here he stood before me, stretching and drawing diagrams on the wall. It looked so manly, so envigorating and virilus.
And when he spoke, he sounded so... I swooned right in front of him.
"We should defeat hanz0," Erth said.
"I agree," said ishi, "but I'm not sure."
"We can use your new friend," said Erth. "hanz0 doesn't know Sekaquaptéwa. So that should do. We can infiltrate the base like that.
"But Sekaquaptéwa is still very inexperienced," said ishi, "And I worry about him."
"Don't worry," said Erth, "I know Sekaquaptéwa can take it on. Trust me on that" And he gave me a wink.
In the corners of my eyes I saw ishi stairing first at me, and then at him. And then in a huff, he walked away.
I walked after ishi and said: "What's wrong?"
"Nutting" ishi said but I didn't believe him.
"No seriously, you can tell me, I'm really good at picking up on these things."
"You're right, you're really good at picking up on those things," said ishi and sighed. He then said: "You know my past, right?"
I thought to myself, yes, yes I do. I heard of everything about you. And I said: "yes."
"Well, it... it... makes it hard for me to make connections with people." ishi said. A single tear rolled down his cheek. It made it look even more pretty than it already was.
"And I feared,' ishi said, 'that when I saw you talk and awke at Erth like that, that you may... you may no longer find me that interesting?"
"But I do!"
'And without you, I don't know if the world is still worth saving," ishi said with a sniffle, "how can I defeat hanz0 if you won't be with me?"
"Well, uh, I didn't think you'd like me that much," I said blushing manly.
But then, then ishi leaned forward and kissed me. And I no longer knew what to do. Can I be in love with both? Why must I choose?
And then, suddenly hanz0 stood behind them. He held an old book in his hand and the Hampa in the other.
"I see you finaly found me, allthough it will not do you any good. You see, the Hampa is the last componant I need in the spell of Unholy IntoMeium.
At last I will be one with who I admire most, I will have the true power - from the one that has lead me all these years. My one true ally...
Satan: the Devil incarnated!"
Everyone gasped in horror as they were shocked.
"Behold, prepare to knell before me, as the world soon will!"
With that he spoke the evil words, and the ground shock and cracked, and the skys opened, and fire flowed over his body and then he was Satan!!
Suddenly, Lightningkid (who was playing dead) lunged at Satan, grabbing the Hampa off him
With the spell broken, this gave ishi time to stab satan in the heart sending him back to Hell!
"Our work here is done"
With that, they all went home, safe in the knowledge that Satan was gone and GOD was protecting them all along.
The End
Last edited by lumpysolo; Jul 3, 2014 at 07:52 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump