Original Post
[AUCTION]Cyborg Head (+_-}
My first head selling this month!!!

Start: 1k
min raise: 500 tcs
Autobuy: 10k

This merges several styles together and is compatible with names.

Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]

Seriously?! This is one of my best heads yet!!! ...

Not one bid?!

At all?

I mght as well start making paint heads

I don't want to hear about how everyone is broke, but this starts at just 1k guys!!!! I KNOW a lot of people have way more than that. ...maybe I'll just become a recluse and only do requests...
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
DarkJak as peoples said not always peoples need somthing that they want or that they don't want.
That's why you need to make sets of the head so you can get some buyers why you think i have make a tribal request Thread XD.
So far i got 4 customers from that o.o.
Make like a "Abstract request thread"
And see if peoples will come or not wait 1/2 days if 1 day past no1 did post post again see if anyone gonna respond in the second day.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
Dear Jak,

Your heads were good at first. They were very original and precicely detailed and looked as though hours of work were put into them. Now, they are still good, but they are very monotonous (look it up!). If you still wish to make the S#!+loads of money off of your heads that you used to, I suggest you start trying out different styles, because, to tell the truth, all of your heads look the same.

With care, love, admiration, and proper grammar,

Originally Posted by ChuckKills View Post
Dear Jak,

Your heads were good at first. They were very original and precicely detailed and looked as though hours of work were put into them. Now, they are still good, but they are very monotonous (look it up!). If you still wish to make the S#!+loads of money off of your heads that you used to, I suggest you start trying out different styles, because, to tell the truth, all of your heads look the same.

With care, love, admiration, and proper grammar,


u spelled precisely wrong =)

I am aware of my monotony lately. This one was actually the last style of the heads I made. From now on, I will be making more towards halo style and then finely detailed heads. I think I will just put these away my shop...

When I started my shop, I had the goal to get good at all styles. I sorts got stuck a bit too much on this one style. I just noticed that I haven't made any in my old style lately... I can only imagine how combining literally ALL of my techniques would look.

I think I will stop auctioning on most of those heads out there. And from now on only sell heads that I would chose over my current ones. <---that was a pledge.

Also I might as well announce here that since I have a B in one of my classes, I won't be able to get on as much. Just a few minutes here and there. All until I raise it back up.

And chuck, have you browsed my shop(that needs to be updated)? I think it is interesting to see the different styles I have gone through. ;)

[my next style shall be cartoony heads made almost pixel by pixel like that ONE that sold well. It took forever, but I must give what they want and I see that they want more originality.

Btw, the eyes on this one were actually supposed to be a cross between two styles that kinda blurred a bit and lost most of one style.

So for anyone wondering what I will do next: as he said. Sets. Many. Well, not like my heads but still. I realized how many sets I coup have completed with the time I took to make my heads. Also, for just heads, I am raising my standards even more now.

Ps. I wish someone could buy my second set already. It's getting dirt cheap.

Pps. ...damn it slipped my mind.

Ppps. Just remembered: all the heads on auction can be autobought for 2k.

I think that is all...

Yeah. I stuck too long to this style. It reminds m of a warning daxx gave me...
Time to move on. Adieu
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Hmmm that was bloody long. Sry, I am on the go using my phone to post.

I gotta rebuild the foundation of my philosophy over head making. Then get more active in sets. I've only made 2. As opposed to like 100 heads.

I need 200k

At around 50k per. I need 4 sets. Then 7-14 textures per set. Dang. Hopefully one of them will sell for huge money. I am continuously hyping my halo set because it is getting awesomez. I just need a better model to base it off of. Hard to look at the backs. And don't forget to check out my 2nd set!

That is all for today.

Wait. And the guys PMing me over how to make heads STIIL need to read my texture school thread!!!! Sigh
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]