Weekend Bash
Original Post
Anime Us 2.0

Anime, weaboos, henta- nevermind, are all great. Ever wonder if you artists could draw anime characters? Well here is the place to try!

Pick a member of the Toribash Staff with a set
(Staff List)
Draw an anime character of the a Staff members set

All you have to do is draw inspiration from our toris.
NO NSFW STUFF (not even ahegao)

The ES Team

Three sets will be chosen:
Closest to Set
Favorite One Overall
Most Effort
Prizes for each are 75,000 toricredits + some Shiai Tokens.

Deadline for event is 3 weeks after this post. (24th of July)
Please post the final art here.

Last edited by Swosh; Jul 4, 2018 at 09:52 PM.
almost there

Reimu WIP 2

She's wearing panties but I don't know if its allowed now, so I censored just in case, please let me know if I can actually post the original piece, etc.

Reimu - Finished (Censored just in case?)

OOPS: almost forgot, s/o to dengue for giving me some tips for the background perspective, you're the real deal my dude <3.
Last edited by Haku; Jul 27, 2018 at 12:03 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Never inactive, just slow sometimes.
bulldoboy 4 life <3

The Entries have officially ended and the voting has begun expect the results in around 1 week. Thanks for your patience and good luck to everybody that entered.
The three winners have been decided and here they are!

Closest to Set:

Most Effort:

Favorite one overall:

Thank you all for participating and all the entries submitted!

Tokens have been sent, tc will follow later.