Weekend Bash
Original Post
[Recruitment] Want Some Liquor?

Well, you've come to the right place.

Post your best free-form application, including your GMT, discord info, why you want to join, and any other info you think would be useful.

We would highly recommend getting to know us before applying. We are a family here, and you're asking to be a part of that family. Post around our board, join our discord, and play with us ingame. Doing so will drastically improve your chances.

Once you've applied, you'll be notified once your application is being discussed, and we will deliver the verdict in anywhere between an hour to a week.

With that being said, if you have any questions, please direct them to Donut.

Last edited by Kaito; Apr 14, 2019 at 01:43 PM.
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight

these fam are unforgettable for sure

Aegis | jdawg2001 | rawrneru | Manta | DarkDranz | Trice | Raiken

Aeon - RAM - Liquor

Hi guys!

Im Alexel and wanna get drunk, right place?
I'm an Argentinian player(GMT -3) who joins the game almost a year ago, in September 4th of the past year, i'm 3rd Dan Black Belt, my real name is Alexander and i have to say that im more an good person than an skilled player
I enjoy so much talking and debating about anything that can be interesting, sometimes i can become a bit annoying since i always try to have an answer for everything(I'm not sorry ), except for those things that i have no idea.
Most time Im totally friendly(you can add me on discord Alexel#9047 to see this), except when someone mess around with somebody who i consider fam, well, like anybody.
Love learning new things all the time as well as helping or teaching anything that i can(and seeing this i think that i should take some english lessons, damn, its really bad)
Im very active ingame, on forums i'll only take part when i see something interesting for me, what is almost everything, c'mon.
My fav mod is Aikido, but i enjoy playing Lenshu, ABD and random mods too.
Honestly, i dont really know what could i be useful for, apart from talking or having some fun, but im pretty sure i'll find something lol.

With that being said, i say goodbye and i'll be waiting for the answer, have a good night/day!
A big hug from here, hope can be part of this family.
Proud Liquor Member
Las guerras van y vienen, pero mis soldados son eternos.
Hey Alexel! Thank you for sending in your app, but just a recommendation here... Try joining our Discord server first so you can get to know us beforehand ^^ Thank you, and see you!

Originally Posted by Alexel9 View Post
Hi guys!

Im Alexel and wanna get drunk, right place?
I'm an Argentinian player(GMT -3) who joins the game almost a year ago, in September 4th of the past year, i'm 3rd Dan Black Belt, my real name is Alexander and i have to say that im more an good person than an skilled player
I enjoy so much talking and debating about anything that can be interesting, sometimes i can become a bit annoying since i always try to have an answer for everything(I'm not sorry ), except for those things that i have no idea.
Most time Im totally friendly(you can add me on discord Alexel#9047 to see this), except when someone mess around with somebody who i consider fam, well, like anybody.
Love learning new things all the time as well as helping or teaching anything that i can(and seeing this i think that i should take some english lessons, damn, its really bad)
Im very active ingame, on forums i'll only take part when i see something interesting for me, what is almost everything, c'mon.
My fav mod is Aikido, but i enjoy playing Lenshu, ABD and random mods too.
Honestly, i dont really know what could i be useful for, apart from talking or having some fun, but im pretty sure i'll find something lol.

With that being said, i say goodbye and i'll be waiting for the answer, have a good night/day!
A big hug from here, hope can be part of this family.

Im Bob and im Ready to Drink
Hi im bob ive been a member of toribash for a lone while now, we are talking 2013 ive been playing this game ever since 6 years now and i still do, through alot of my time playing this game ive been realizing these cool ass people with [l] at the side of their names and many of them ive made friend with im a custom belt almost at god Belt my custom belt name is "Grand Master Belt" my main mods are boxshu_mushu_v3 and AikidoBigDojo, im american yet i always play late at night so in eu timezones due to various events happening daily irl been making friends with alot of Liquor members and the closest friend ive made in my opinion will be Alexel9, things that i can add to this clan is, proffessionalism, a good image, im a fun guy, activity and in general a good time, cant wait to see the result of this application hoping it is an accept with an invite <3 Love Bob
Come join the discord and chat around for a bit.
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
Hey, its Mummy

Wanted to join back with liquor and make right a mistake I made. If you want an explanation as to why I left it was a stressful time in my life and couldn't handle the extra stress, so sorry for jumping ship so quick. I can't lie I eyed up some other clan while I was away but all have toxic users id rather not associated with or dead discords. I feel like Liquor is what the TB community should be and would like to be a part of it again if you would have me of course but if you believe I turned my back on the clan and don't deserve to be let back in I understand

P.S. Kaito is bae
l l Fuck Aurarian l l
Originally Posted by Bob View Post
Hi im bob ive been a member of toribash for a lone while now, we are talking 2013 ive been playing this game ever since 6 years now and i still do, through alot of my time playing this game ive been realizing these cool ass people with [l] at the side of their names and many of them ive made friend with im a custom belt almost at god Belt my custom belt name is "Grand Master Belt" my main mods are boxshu_mushu_v3 and AikidoBigDojo, im american yet i always play late at night so in eu timezones due to various events happening daily irl been making friends with alot of Liquor members and the closest friend ive made in my opinion will be Alexel9, things that i can add to this clan is, proffessionalism, a good image, im a fun guy, activity and in general a good time, cant wait to see the result of this application hoping it is an accept with an invite <3 Love Bob

Sorry man. Your application has been denied due to several reasons.
Not much time spent in discord, rumors about you joining another clan while your app was in discussion, etc. you can reapply in 1 week.
Originally Posted by Mummy View Post
Hey, its Mummy

Wanted to join back with liquor and make right a mistake I made. If you want an explanation as to why I left it was a stressful time in my life and couldn't handle the extra stress, so sorry for jumping ship so quick. I can't lie I eyed up some other clan while I was away but all have toxic users id rather not associated with or dead discords. I feel like Liquor is what the TB community should be and would like to be a part of it again if you would have me of course but if you believe I turned my back on the clan and don't deserve to be let back in I understand

P.S. Kaito is bae

Hello mummy. While most people are still upset with you about you leaving, they are not convinced that you will stay this time either if we were to invite you back. Your app was very poor considering the circumstances. Please reapply at a later time.

Thanks, Morals
Last edited by Morals; Jun 17, 2019 at 07:23 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I was told the best drinks in town are served here
Hello (INSERT NAME HERE), good weather today, mind if I come in for a drink?

My name is Dylon and I was on a search to find not just the best drinks but, the best fellows to drink with. I have been wandering around the town of Toribash for about 4 years. I realized people fought a lot in this town, in strange arenas like one called PendulumJumper.tbm
I decided to join these fights and improve my brawling skills. I have found love in Aikido rule-based brawls as well as just sparring with a few lads I come across here and there.
The thing I enjoy most is sitting down and having a drink with the people of Toribash and debating on topics and discussing things that can and is most likely controversial.
I'd love to make new friends and family, overall bring joy to the people who come for drinks, show a magic trick here and there. Do that one bet for a drink that I will usually win but, buy the person who lost a drink anyway cause I do not want to make enemies.
I am wondering around the streets of toribash quite often but sometimes work calls for me to leave town so i might be away for a day here and there.

Ah would you look at that, the boss is calling. I got to go sadly, but here is my contact details and hopefully next time you will be allowing me in with no questioning.

*Slips card into hand*---*Reads card*
Phone Number ~ 083 003 Dylon#3741
GMT -1
Last edited by Dylon; Jun 18, 2019 at 03:37 PM.
Hey homie, thanks for the app. Your app is already posted and under discussion. Have some conversation with us via discord and know us well will help you joining the clan

Better you say hi to everyone instead morals only