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Bounty system upgrade

I'm currently working on a bounty system upgrade and looking for more ideas. So if you have any ideas, please post them here!

Planned updates (some are already done and waiting for other stuff to be finished):

  • Game UI for bounty list with ability to add bounties on other players
  • When a player with an active bounty joins a room, there's a status message in chat saying so
  • Leaving with an active bounty mid-fight counts as loss and would make the opponent claim it
  • ToriBot would automatically set bounties on top active players several times a day
  • Global quests and Steam achievements for claiming bounties
  • No price increase for using bounty text (that's literally the main reason anyone uses bounty, a bit weird we charge extra for it)

Other ideas we had that may be implemented if we get positive feedback:

  • When a user with an active bounty is in a public room, they get a booster that gives them TC (bounty price / 20) for every win - but decreases the bounty by the same amount.
    The idea is to motivate players with a bounty to go online in public rooms that everyone can access (opposed to staying offline or just sitting locked up in a private room until one of their friends claims the prize).

  • When a player gets a high enough streak in a public room, they get a bounty automatically set on them.
    User gets streak 6 (not a decided value, but we're looking for something not too low yet still reachable without farming), they get some relatively small bounty set on them. Some questions we had about this when discussing internally were whether bounty should get increased as they reach higher streak and if so, to what point. Sounds a bit prone for abuse in general but if you like the idea we'll go ahead and see what can be done.

  • Bounty types
    "Defeat user", "Defeat and decap user", "Defeat and dismember user" - stuff like that.

  • Forum profile customizations for claiming bounties
    Not a fan of adding forum stuff for bounties personally, but it was suggested so yeah. If everyone wants it then I don't mind - just not sure how it'd work yet.
Really nice to see bounties coming back(actually I have forgotten about them lmao).
I just don't understand the forum profile customization thing. I just don't see why?

By the way it would be quite cool to have a number of bounties claimed on the profile.
Last edited by victortb; Jul 23, 2020 at 06:09 PM.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
A streak of 6 against different players in a public room will trigger a bounty?

<font face=&quot></font>
Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
I'll start with this: please, please do not include bounties in public tourney and lockdown rooms [including Etourney]; they already offer prizes. In betting servers or other ES events, it would be fun since the winner would get both the bounty and win the bet or rake and can get the decapprize as well.

When a player with an active bounty joins a room, there's a status message in chat saying so

About this and the GUI: Change the color from the casual grey. Make the player's name color as well as the bounty prize pop in the chat, in case people opted the newmenu off.
When a user with an active bounty is in a public room, they get a booster that gives them TC (bounty price / 20) for every win - but decreases the bounty by the same amount.

So...if the player with the bounty is one of the better players, they get free TC as they win more, while reducing the bounty that people can get if they beat them?
Probably need to find another alternative than that, or keep the boosters only for public servers. I got an idea down the post.

Rest of the post I'm neutral with. Maybe add a possible condition where you need to beat someone in a specific mod to claim it?

few ideas

Last edited by Nokia; Jul 23, 2020 at 06:45 PM.
Originally Posted by Raeyei View Post
Is this same as old bounty that has a custom text under user text ?

Same system that's getting updated, yes.

Originally Posted by Karstnator View Post
A streak of 6 against different players in a public room will trigger a bounty?

Yeah, something like that.

Originally Posted by Nokia View Post
I'll start with this: please, please do not include bounties in public tourney and lockdown rooms [including Etourney]; they already offer prizes.

Yeah, would only work in regular non-event static rooms.

About this and the GUI: Change the color from the casual grey. Make the player's name color as well as the bounty prize pop in the chat, in case people opted the newmenu off.

There's going to be a chat notice that's same pale grey color as all other notices / status messages that appear in chat.

So...if the player with the bounty is one of the better players, they get free TC as they win more, while reducing the bounty that people can get if they beat them?
Probably need to find another alternative than that, or keep the boosters only for public servers.

They're good, they get TC for it. Others want to claim the bounty while it's high, they gotta get good too - not something I'd consider a problem tbh.
Only going to work in public rooms as I mentioned in OP, yes.

Maybe add a possible condition where you need to beat someone in a specific mod to claim it?

Sounds nice but won't this be narrowing chances to claim the bounty too much when mod option is used?

few ideas

1 is a bit weird. Why not let people claim the bounty in a room with fewer users? If they want to rig the bounty it wouldn't really stop them - but it'd make impossible to claim bounties when there's not too many people online. Not really getting what this restriction is supposed to achieve.

2/3 don't sound bad (apart from ridiculously high bounty prices mentioned), perhaps can be used some time in future. Looks to be tied to number of people currently in the room again though (as opposed to number of unique users defeated by the one getting the bounty added on them), not sure why that'd be important.
I'd like to play with bounty system where i'd be able to:
- Get profit (with activated bounty on me get some amount of tc per individual)
- Have ability to obtain achievements- Have ability to obtain special items (For Bounty tokens maybe)
- Participate in global ranking of bounty hunters and bounty targets

P.S. I like the idea of bounty tokens, so here some more ideas with them:
- 1 Bounty token for killing bounty target
- 1 Bounty token for killing 5 individuals (from white to black belts) while bounty is on you
- 1 Bounty token for killing individual (from black to 5 dan belts) while bounty is on you- 2 Bounty token for killing individuals (from 5 dan to one belts) while bounty is on you

Streak of 6 is perfect i think. As quick aikido player i usually dont see streaks bigger than 3-4
I dont like the idea of decreasing bounty, because if i set 5k bounty on me, i dont want to just get my tc back. I want to get profits. I think that bounty should grow, while i win players (depending on opponents tier)

Main idea is to attract people to put bounties on them for ability to get profits.
Last edited by Iod; Jul 24, 2020 at 03:45 PM.
|~~Peeps under this post will have +1 to aikido skill~~|
There's two ways you can go with this.
And apparently you've chosen the fun little minigame option.
Where the bot puts bounties on streaking players and it's something positive for the player with the bounty and their opponents as well.
But this means there's no reason for any player to give away their TC to put a bounty on anyone else.

2nd way you can go about this is by making it something negative for the player with a bounty on top of them.
This will give players a reason to put bounties on other players, which would make the feature more interactive and fun imo.
But what is that negativity that comes with the bounty? how bad is it?
It can be anything but here's a suggestion from me:

This requires a whole new feature which I'm gonna call "Challenge"
Where Player1 can right click on Player2's name (Who has a bounty on their head and is not currently playing) and pick "Challenge" near the other options like "whisper, ignore, etc"
Once Player2 has been challenged then a bit of a Poker Raising Game happens and he has these options:
1.Accept challenge and duel for 1,000 TC (only Player1 loses TC. if he wins then he gets the bounty as reward.)
2.Reject Challenge and lose some rank/elo
3.Counter Challenge and increase the prize of the duel.

If Counter Challenge has been chosen, Then Player1 would have these options:
1.Accept Challenge and duel for [The Amount that Player2 chose] TC. (Both sides would lose TC if it's a Counter Challenge)
2.Reject Challenge and lose [The amount that Player1 previously wanted to duel for]
3.Counter Challenge and increase the prize of the duel.

and back and forth, till either one of them gives up and loses the TC, or they both accept an amount and do the duel.

This will make Challenging people with a bounty a bit dangerous so not just any scrub will challenge and annoy good players with a bounty.
And It'll be badass rights of bragging when you keep a bounty on your head without losing it for a long time.
Last edited by Mafi; Jul 30, 2020 at 09:26 PM.
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