Weekend Bash
Original Post
Toribash 5.61 - iOS preview
Hi! Toribash 5.61 public beta is now available on iOS!
Get access via TestFlight: https://testflight.apple.com/join/Qx3HvMHj

Information for testers:
  • If you encounter any crashes, please make sure to submit a report when prompted by your device.
  • If you encounter any other issues or have some suggestions, you can either submit feedback in TestFlight app or post it here.

Updates in Toribash 5.61:
  • Sign up / Sign in with Apple support
  • Chat tabs to support whispers in rooms
  • Touchscreen support for in-game tutorials
  • Joint state wheel modes (customizable in settings)
  • Better on-screen keyboard awareness for input fields
  • Save account password to Safari keychain on successful registration
Last edited by sir; Aug 3, 2023 at 05:28 PM.
New build now available, changes inside:
  • Added unread message cutoff indication when opening a chat tab with new messages
  • Fixed bug with chat scroll when switching tabs
  • Fixed bug with multiple whispers not working correctly
  • Fixed bug with chat tabs not working correctly after closing them
  • Fixed bug with chat tab icon outline getting incorrect width after extending tab info
Do only certain people have the invitation code?
Fear is the embodiment of a weak soul. Let your heartbeat. Let your legs stumble. But never stay complacent. Take your steps.
Originally Posted by Writer View Post
Do only certain people have the invitation code?

No it looks public you just probably gotta just follow the steps in the announcements in the toribash discord
New build is now available, changes inside:
Updates in this build:
- Added undo move button in Multiplayer (identical to CTRL + Z hotkey on desktop)
- Added image selection from Photos for Inventory item texture uploads
- Added Camera sensitivity slider in Game settings
- Blood stains option is now included in graphics presets
- If long tap joint state wheel is disabled, tapping on a joint will now instantly change its state (as opposed to only changing on finger up event before)

Bug fixes:
- Fixed app crash when failing to join a MP room
- Fixed app crash when losing connection to a MP room
- Fixed app crash in Login screen when using a custom language setting
- Fixed app crash in some cases when networking thread would run out of memory
- Fixed player name / score outline thickness
- Fixed room description shadow sometimes not matching main text width in Room List menu
- Fixed chat input not supporting language switching

Still havent been able to open the game, just crashes after the logo splash screen

Last edited by Something; Aug 17, 2023 at 05:22 PM.
Something is better than nothing.