Weekend Bash
View Poll Results: Who was the best drunken master?
38 Votes / 36.54%
4 Votes / 3.85%
12 Votes / 11.54%
41 Votes / 39.42%
9 Votes / 8.65%
Voters: 104. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
Vote on the OLDA drunken swagger comp.
O.k. Myself, Kyat, and Skullschick have all watched the replays and chosen our top 5 favorites. (I am posting this without a PM to either of them, but I feel I have come up with a fair representation, as we were all pretty much even on who we chose.)

The way I am going to do this is:

In this post will be the honerable mentions. These replays are ones that were VERY close to making the top five, but for one reason or another did not.

After this post will be 5 subsequent posts, one for each of the top five.

ok, here are the Honorable mentions.

Sgt. Beans.

And now for the top five.
Last edited by deady; Feb 14, 2009 at 06:45 AM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
O.k. first up is Andrstar
Attached Files
drunken comp..rpl (901.4 KB, 79 views)
to tourney1.rpl (430.3 KB, 56 views)
Last edited by deady; Feb 16, 2009 at 01:26 AM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Next we have Honus.
Attached Files
HonusOLDAdrunk1em2.rpl (71.9 KB, 40 views)
HonusOldaDrunkV2em1.rpl (184.9 KB, 35 views)
Last edited by deady; Feb 14, 2009 at 06:45 AM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Now is leliak.
Attached Files
leilak_drunkenbastards.rpl (422.4 KB, 46 views)
Last edited by deady; Feb 14, 2009 at 06:45 AM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
This is Ern.
Attached Files
SP-DrunkErnVsUke1.rpl (617.8 KB, 70 views)
SP-DrunkenBoxing1.rpl (209.4 KB, 51 views)
Last edited by deady; Feb 14, 2009 at 06:46 AM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
And now we have Squiziph.
Attached Files
squiz drunken style.rpl (442.5 KB, 42 views)
squiz drunkenstyle 2.rpl (673.9 KB, 24 views)
squiz drunkenstyle 3.rpl (370.7 KB, 15 views)
Last edited by deady; Feb 14, 2009 at 06:46 AM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
O.k. 7 posts in a row ftw

Now that you have seen all the replays, please select one of the vote options at the top. When you chose, remember to vote based on skill and joy of watching rather than "ZOMG I like that person".

The basic points of the comp were style, swagger, humor, and control.

The polls will be open for probably about a week (maybe two, but I doubt it)

The prizes at stake are as follows.

First place: 78,333 TCs Full Adamantium gradients, blood, and torso. Full Titan trials. Cobra blood and ghost. Nox lax and DQ. Shaman blood and torso.

Second place. 73,333TCs Pharos ghost and trails. Titan lax, DQ, and torso. pharos timer.

Third place. 68,333 TCs Full Titan gradients. Typhoon force.

Please vote carefully and don't be afraid to explain why you voted the way you did.

Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by andreyoshi View Post
Damn Ern was rly good! Beat him was hard =(
I dont like replays with barfight.tbm) Its easy!

Bah! cheer up man, you made HM.

You can vote BTW.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I will not cast a vote as I already done my part in this matter.

I just would like to thank and congratulates every player who proposed an entry. All the replays were greatly done and showed some nice skills and intentions.

Thank you all of you to have allowed me to enjoy myself as I was watching your replays

@andrey : I must admit that like you I'm over impressed by ern's replays. Though I really enjoyed your drunken fight with all the game in holding the bottle. It was very nice acted and very nicely thought !
Last edited by Kyat; Feb 14, 2009 at 07:36 PM.
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