[REL&WIP]Training courses
I heard that you like Gymnastic Course, which is by me btw.
So I decided to make new training courses.
They will be hard, of course.
At the moment there's only one made (with three difficulties), but I'll be making more... I have IDEAS.
You can post your ideas, too. Help is appreciated.
Alright, here is the first course:
It has THREE difficulties.
Twowaycourse0.2.tbm- Everything's normal. You can grab everything etc.
Twowaycourse[MED].tbm- You can't grab some parts.
Twowaycourse[VH].tbm- VH stands for Very Hard.
- You can't grab anything!! Except the instagib floor.
Why is it called Twowaycourse?
You'll have to solve that out.
Now go go go, who will be the fastest!?
Fuck, why no color
for the links *sob*
Other courses in this thread:
Finishitlikeaman.tbm and FinishitlikeamanEasy.tbm
Tonacourse.tbm and Tonacoursehard.tbm
Last edited by Tonakai; Jul 5, 2009 at 05:57 PM.