Weekend Bash
Original Post
[Realism] Wushu Butterfly Kick contest. Sponsored by RelaxAll

This is a realism-based replay competition entirely sponsored by RelaxAll clan.

Goal: you will make a replay reproducing the Butterfly kick, interpreting the movements of the martial artist you can see in the video. If you want to show off you can make a multiple sequence of Butterfly kicks.

-No hacking.
-No editing other ppl's entries.
-No more than 3 replays per person.
-No mods, but you can set the value of gravity at will between classic and sambo parameters.
-No more than 1000 frames per replay.
-Dt 100 or higher.
-You can switch your replays how many times you want before the ending of the competition.
-The kick must lead to a contact with uke.

Judging: Me and Nikelaos will be judging your replays.

Evaluation criteria:
- Precision and accuracy of the execution. Since you are allowed to interpret the move, you may come out with something original, different from the video, so your unique execution style will be taken into consideration.
- Impact (The hit causes a dm or not? Is it clean?).
- Madmanning uke after the impact will not give u extra points, a pose will.

55k for the best replay.
45k for 2nd place.
35k for 3rd place.

Deadline: 3 weeks from now.





Nice maldi. Glad to see this is finally coming together.
[RelaxAll]Nikelaos:Kickass is chained to this clan with indestructible shackles, his balls are also superglued to the chair.

maldi maldi... im on this ^^ hope i can do this...
▼ [CW] ▼ [OoT] ▼ [OLDA] ▼ [some more stuff I can't remember... ♥ [Addicted]
Hi. Let's see.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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Well heres my first try:

Not very good and almost certain to be replaced xD
Attached Files
Butterfly Kick 1.rpl (90.9 KB, 158 views)
<apple> Fine, I love you in the gayest of ways.