Weekend Bash
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[o_O] Heaven Strike Replay Competition (100k in prizes)

Hi ppl. This is competition for singleplayer replay makers, sponsored by me and my dirty money. The idea is simple. You have to produce replay, in which you jump as high as you can to deliver devastating attack on poor Uke from above.


> Uke has to be attacked from above only
> Uke cannot be controlled
> Tori must stay in one piece
> Mod has to be classic.tbm
> You are allowed to change matchframes, turnframes and engage distance only
> You can post maximum of 3 replays
> No hacking replays. Same goes for stealing


Judging will be done by me alone probably. Replays will be judged upon followng criterias:

> Height of the jump (you can try and use Uke as a stepping stone btw)
> Attack strength
> Overall fluidness
> Ending pose


1st place - 50k
2nd place - 30k
3rd place - 20k

Competition ends in 2 weeks (11th April)

Crappy quickly-made example replay is below this weird emblem. (Where did it come from? o_O )

Attached Files
heaven_strike_sample.rpl (80.7 KB, 193 views)
Last edited by Nirs; Jan 7, 2010 at 08:32 AM.
does it count if i make a run at the beginning and then jump at him, or the jump has to be exactly verticaly, up and down?
But why's the rum gone? :v
Originally Posted by k6vamees View Post
does it count if i make a run at the beginning and then jump at him, or the jump has to be exactly verticaly, up and down?

You can do whatever you like before the jump, just make sure you don't dismember Uke before it. Also, attack doesn't have to be exaclty vertical, but it has to be from above Uke.

Markmad, you attacked Uke after landing from behind. Sorry man, your replay isn't valid.

Yousaku, nice relplays.

Edit: Mark, no archery is allowed. Rules state it clearly. =P
Last edited by Engraze; Mar 29, 2009 at 12:51 PM.
had to try this one :3

is this allowed? rules say you can choose ed by yourself

notice ninja tiger ending pose! :O

ps cos of my ninja fighting skills I didn't touch ground before job/escape was done
Attached Files
ninja sky attack.rpl (55.0 KB, 93 views)
Last edited by DreamEater; Mar 29, 2009 at 05:27 PM.
And the second largest penis in animal kindom