Original Post
Project ChibiBash

Original post is here. You can check it out what it is.
This thread will be about adding new stuff (screens) and concepts to it.

Also, I'll post Chibis of the Toribash players if they request it.
First ten is for free.

Anyone is welcome with the comments and ideas. I like open discussion.
Last edited by snake; Mar 18, 2014 at 05:30 PM.
What options for different environments have you found realistic having it running in?

Id love if you promoted fl0w by having snake kick e.g. williams, xhibas, punishers and my arse while hiding under a cardboard box every 5th second in the trailer xD
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
Well, I was thinking a standard Earth-like arena gravity settings.
If you saw the first screen with the water-color background where you can see some kind of a pond and rocks, that's it.

Also, I have few more backgrounds where the gravity is also Earth-like, one with old China dojo, some desert landscapes and one where is snow. So friction is low in the snow arena (let's call it like that for now), so your chibi-fighters tend to slide more on the ground and have trouble decelerating (harder to slow down from the dash and to stop the momentum)

Then there is Moon-scape arena where gravity is very low so if you jump once you fly away toward ceiling and you can use that to push yourself from the ceiling downward, under angle (just using kick-punch button in contact with wall and holding an direction in which you wish to bounce back)...

Also, there are arenas where gravity is higher so jumps are omitted etc...

Still in consideration. I know Construct 2 under the Box2D module part has all these fine tuning for physics so it's possible. You can also set the mass and weight of the object.

Basically, chibi body and head are the main centers of mass and movement. Little legs and arms are just flapping around while you move/run/jump, but they activate when you press punch/kick (start to swirl shortly!) and they form a block (animation that is represented with pre-set motion of covering chibi face with arms and sticking your legs in opposite directions, and stay that way for few seconds) when you press block button.
When you press block you are 'stiff' object and you will lose your speed and momentum starting to fall by the pull of gravity. It last for a few moments and there is a time in between before you can use block again. So, it isn't possible to hold block like in other fighting games, but you need to press it sequentially! So, you are safe from attack that short moment.

This is because fights must be like hurling two tennis balls toward each other and as they collide and bounce back in random directions, it forms a very jump-fly-kick/punch choreography, like those unnatural martial art movies. You know, those where fighters walk on water and fight flying through air... :>

I'll sure make some flow chibis. :]
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Mar 8, 2014 at 09:39 PM.
i could really imagine playing chibibash will waiting in, yeah, looks very good.
only problem i could imagine is lag since its realtime.
i would probably add some unique and funny startanimations, u know like in streetfighter or similar games, right before the fight starts.
Hopping on the train and requesting the same as Holotor!

The idea did seem quite nice, but my only fear is that it requires minimum ping like William mentioned on the other thread.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
William has shitty internet, he's always concerned about ping. XD

But, seriously, 2D fighting game that demands too much bandwidth? We are not in dark ages anymore. if it's coded right with good network code, it would be perfectly fine.

Anyway, this is how Holotor would look with custom full set in ChibiBash:

and we're 3


so as you can tell there's a saga going on, so i'd love to see this head texture in a chibi tori

oh btw i just remembered, making various punching bags (different weights and sizes) that would give you more tc/qi would be awesome, like a training bag upgrade, that would be bought in the shop. just an idea
Last edited by pal; Mar 9, 2014 at 03:53 PM.