Original Post
Run wild and free through the (n)ight!

So, you wish to join night?

I don't blame you. Feel free to apply below! We don't bite.

Just provide some info on yourself ingame and off, freeform style. It can range between a few sentences to a few paragraphs. No novels, though, please.

Include your other used accounts (please talk to us about multiclanning: it depends on why you want to, and whether or not your other clan is okay with it), past infractions, timezone, and general activity levels on the forums.

Thanks, and good luck!

hewlo so i was going to write a novel but tthen smart ass me decided to read the first post, so ill just say that im ancientand i want in on this clan because im a good guy :^)
oh yeah sleepy knows quite enough on me so idc about this cya on the battlefield tankers *hats off*

IRL Biography
Hello guys, my nickname is Tude but my complete name is I Putu Gede Artha Grahita Sanisca Rajendra. I'm a 14 year old boy who is currently living in Jakarta, Indonesia which is a country in Southeast Asia, right next to Singapore and Australia. What i like about Indonesia is the culture and the cuisine. Yes, the cuisine.. It has a unique set of cuisine and especially Balinese cuisine, they are just bae. I am a part-time drummer, a student in a school that goes by the name Saint Cicilia. I'm a petrolhead of some sorts, what made me became a petrolhead was the day my dad took me to a local book store that also sold some movies so my dad decided to bring me to the store to buy my first movie, my first movie was 2 Fast 2 Furious. And at that moment, everything changed. I started liking the smell of petrol (i don't even know what caused that) and every car i like i'll always remember the name of the car. I'm a so called 'smart' student at my school, never dropped out of school and i'm still in elementary school but i will be graduating to middle school. I'm the only 'smart' guy that is addicted to gaming at my school, all my other friends at my school that are gamers aren't really diligent so they're grades don't come up pretty good. I've been playing games since the age of 5 when my parents decided to buy me a PS2, i got addicted for a while but i noticed each and every racing game i play i can master it in a couple of days. I have 3 cousins from my mother and 2 of them are boys. Both of them are pro at gaming and they are really smart. But one of them.. Devtian, he changed the way how i looked at gaming forever.. He has always been my idol and will forever be (Shoutout to you cousin <3) He is just bad ass at every FPS game and racing game. I love my family but sadly both of my grandpas already passed away before i can even look at them. Thats about my life. Lets get to my Toribash journey

Toribash Biography and Activity
Hi guys, my name is Draigoon12. But now its Manitoda, i've been playing Toribash for a year now and i started at the 2016 New Years Eve. How i found this game was at the time i was looking for a new, decent, and martial arts based free game. I decided to go to Gamejolt to seek for this game. And then i saw 'Toribash' i remembered this game was played by Markiplier so i went ahead an downloaded the game. Playing the game, and got addicted to it for a really long time. I made friends in this game, thats why this game is really hard to let go off. I met Reno (Diablejum) and SuperDeths the leader of the clan NightShade (Night) BigDog (Bigdogswag), ToriZoom, Kyle, ItzPulse, Mani, SandDune, Reshiss and the list goes on! My past clans were (Night), Nation (N), Ocean (OC), [im] I am, (Lucky). I 'was' really active back then but now with the try outs for the final graduation test my time for gaming is decreasing time, by time. So my activity in-game is 6/10. Since i downloaded the game i played it for 5 months without knowing there is an existing forum of it. But now i have a phone so i can just get on my phone a post something everyday. So my forum activity is 8/10
Originally Posted by Manitoda View Post
I Putu Gede Artha Grahita Sanisca Rajendra

That is one hell of a name, and you seem like a cool dude, it's a yes from me but it comes with one request, please don't do your post in full B makes it bulky and hard to read, other than your post structure the app is fine
Hey, Mani. Good news, you've been accepted! Welcome to (n)ight.

rud already sent you the discord, so you're good there. I'll send an invite over.

Hey night its zelp

I wanna join night because because i just honestly think the community you got here is pretty chill. I also like the complete style of the clan. I dont know any members in this clan but im sure i can get to know you guys
Some things that you should know about me is that i am 13 years old and i like to play basketball and baseball. I also like to draw sometimes but im shit at that. Im usually on toribash everyday unless i get in trouble.
Iv only been in one clan which is satire
My favorite mods/best mods are almost any aikido variant, and i dont really have many special skills, but im mainly an abd player.

Last edited by Zelp; Mar 4, 2017 at 04:39 AM.