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Am I the only one?
I'm highly addicted to Toribash and I'm dangerously in need of help. I need to know stuff that I should do to atleast have fun while playing, and I also wanna know if I'm the only one that is like, really addicted.
Find me ingame and duel me
What do you mean by needing help? There's nothing wrong with enjoying a game.

My suggestion is to try something like parkour (in toribash) out or tricking. There are many tutorials on YouTube and on the forums if you'd like me to provide them.
Originally Posted by Goat View Post
What do you mean by needing help? There's nothing wrong with enjoying a game.

My suggestion is to try something like parkour (in toribash) out or tricking. There are many tutorials on YouTube and on the forums if you'd like me to provide them.

1. What I mean is that I just can't stop and now I have 3 late projects at school this game is messing my life up. That's why I need help

2. No need to provide them, thanks doe. I will completely try that out, seems like a cool project.
Find me ingame and duel me
this is not because of the game itself
you are just a lazy ass trying to find a reason to not do your projects and that game happened to be there
give your pc to your parents and ask them to hide it untill you finish your work (well it worked for me)

do as duck said.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
memes aside, i also had the same issue at some point in school. fucked up some of my grades cus i kept playing tb

the only thing i can tell you is try to really focus on school first and leave vidya for later
if you dont have enough willpower just delete the damn game until you're done with your projects
Just delete Toribash and don't be tempted to redownload it until you've finished everything to which you can redownload it and play it as a treat. Or just play so much you will burn out, happened to me twice.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
honestly this game gets boring after a while when you play it, I used to multi task and do highschool and toribash but since I find it boring I just focus on my life mostly and just school instead of this cruel game that is like a prison, look at diamond for example he quit or took a break from this accursed game