Original Post
Bit's Pleasant Greetings
I'd like to first start out with a deep thank you for giving me an opportunity a chance to roll with a bad ass Clan/Family.....

*Clears throat*
Now.. let me take this moment to introduce myself, if i may. For those that don't already know the names Bit BitUnfair, I hail from the gorgeous Rocky mountains in the state of Colorado (U.S). Im a 16 year old improviser lol and currently a junior in High school, I'm about half way done with first semester, but other than that junior year has been a blast, the parties are of the hook, homecoming was sweet, the gals are smexy ;3. But other than that i'm pretty neat but not as neat as ale, well on top of stuff i would say, organized but still totally out going depending on witch mood , if i'm not in the mood haha that means i'm kinda like "get to the point kinda guy". I'm a quick and easy leaner fast pace stuff like that. I'm also very athletic haha I'm in jujitsu and kick boxing also a wrestler, i was planning to be a cage fighter when i get older but i cant rely on that as a job haha so im planning to work in the medical field specifically i want to be a surgeon Tech witch is those ppl that get the operating room ready fo surgery and get all the Instruments (tools) ready as well soo haha yea....

Now About my toribash history I've been playing for a year and a half, and yes i've had past accounts i wouldn't call them alts because i don't use them whats so ever but just for your guys info the usernames are TehKINGsta witch was my first account when i started playing and I believe its a brown belt my second account was called SenorSwag and he is currently a black belt haha after that is good old NubCak3s he is also a black belt.... after that came LuckyHax and he's a Black Belt Last but not least is this account witch will be my last so i probably should be around 4th dan skill wise haha. why so many accounts u ask? Well my reason for having so many accounts is because well i got bored each time i got like to black belt i was so use to that account that i wanted something new, i wanted a fresh start each time so i apologize for so many account but u don't have to worry i know my place now as a player and a member. I first started out has a judo player rank 6 i was haha i only wanted to get good at that cause the outcome was tc (judo tourneys) but then i started to get bored i mean i was making dem tc but i knew if i stayed in judo i wasn't going to be a better fighter/player so i began to spread my rage of mods and mastered the skills needed. My best mod would probably be well... i'm pretty well trained in mods like Rk-MMA, Ninjitsu, Teakkyon and Akkido mods like that, i guess i'm ok at wushu and mushu. Ive also been selected as by the torinews as a writer so ill always be up to date with events and such. Also if u guys wanna hear what i sound like haha ive been in a couple of vids by ConCon19 so ill post the link here if u wanna check meh out haha: . those vids were just a couple of fun Skype calls with some toribashers n such. I've been in quite a few clans (one being official; a few normal presentable clans), the most recent being [Savants], but for that being i have been a long time friend to most of the members there but i wanted to be part in a much more reliable clan a clan that could offer me lots of benefits. Then before that i was in [Electric] which I honestly didn't enjoy my time there, manly because the people there didn't appreciate my presences. Lastly, i was in an awesome clan called [Alt_F4] created by my friend qubic i really enjoyed my stay there i was there recruiter and thought full clan mod but there was some problems of course and the clan died as same with [Lucky Star].

But to rap every thing up i truly appreciate this Family ([Tint]) and its members for accepting me! If you wanna know more about me feel free to ask haha oh and also add me on Skype!!! (BitUnfair)
~This has been a Pleasent greetings post by Bit aka "the shit" over n out
Last edited by BitUnFair; Oct 18, 2013 at 08:51 PM.
Ow... Too many text for my eyes.
This is how I see it.

bad eyez

Anyway, hope you enjoy your time around.
:(){ :|: & };:
welcome aboard.

get an irc client like hexchat (personal favourite)/icechat/mIRC, connect to and /join #tint

edit: I like how we all posted at the same time
@Armino hmm that weird I've never seen that happen before I will get straight on fixing that lol

@Dinis will do mate
Welcome aboard mate, nice to have you here.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Welcome aboard Bit i hope you have a great time and atleast me and you know eachother already :P.
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