Original Post
Aspire's Madman Replay Thread
So I finally got enough courage to get off my lazy ass and make madmans. >.>

BadMadman: Worst Madman to date. Did not put enough effort into it.

Simple Madman: Some mistakes but decent if I could say my self.

My Best Madman: My Best Madman to DATE. Afew mistakes but there are still some.

NOTE: I just started so my madmans are slow.
Attached Files
A Simple Madman 2.rpl (157.1 KB, 39 views)
Bad Madman.rpl (185.0 KB, 31 views)
My Best Madman So far 3.rpl (204.5 KB, 52 views)
What's the disember anyway? Also, nice replay's, make it faster though >.>
master of the universe
Aspire has replays :OO Impressive.
ok all your replays have a dm were your holding on and pulling in try to Dm with out grabbing him.
you also are slow and Im glad you said that because alot of replay makers are like "WTH YOU TALKEN ABOUT ALL MY REPLAYS ARE J-HIZZLE FAST"
and other than that you are fine.
- > - > ORMO | 7th dan < - < -
<Muse> hush little kronos, dont you cry, Muse is gonna sing you a lullaby
Nice,but Im not really into slow madmans :/ (needs work in style,fastcomboz)
Some info :[clan] Look : IvoryStripe Click 8th Dan :p [I maek Art :D] -GATA-

Links to satisfy curiosity :
Originally Posted by splatter View Post
Good thing you noticed that they're slow, make them faster then you should be allright

how do you change the speed?
Last edited by bobross101; Jun 16, 2009 at 06:38 PM. Reason: because its cool and i can :)
A simple madman 2: opener was quite random from that distance. Replays was kindy slow and there was one punch what took time and didn't do anything (well maybe points ofc). Also in ending you could try to stop and pose, after time was full you just hit your ground at floor ^^ that doesn't look good

After all that get uke in parts!

so only 6/10

bad Madman: I don't see your idea of posting replay what you don't even like! So opener was total fail cos uke just randomly fall down away from you, then you did um "dance"? At the end of replay you didn't get decap or one hand off from body so it didn't look good. Also there again wasn't end pose.


My Best Madman So far 3: okey you did good job and uke rest in little parts all over the floor, excelent. I just wonder does it realy take 1000 time to do so. There was too much moments when you just correct your pose to hit uke. At last there was something what you can call 'ending pose' but - it weren't so good.

7/10 reason for points like this is becouse uke realy was in small parts

keep going and I think you can create awesome replays

ps: enjoy my grammar!
Last edited by DreamEater; Jun 17, 2009 at 03:00 PM.
And the second largest penis in animal kindom
Thanks for the feedback DreamEater. But I'll continue my creation of madmans when I get free time. Since my mom does not like my grades(B and B+). She wants mine to become A
well I will be waiting for more.
- > - > ORMO | 7th dan < - < -
<Muse> hush little kronos, dont you cry, Muse is gonna sing you a lullaby